Can Basil Grow In The Greenhouse? (Find OUT)

Growing fruit in the greenhouse is a sure way to enjoy fresh, juicy fruit all year long. And you don’t have to start from seeds you can use sprouts instead! 

Basil seeds are an especially great choice for beginners because they’re easy to grow and produce delicious results. Here’s how:

Basil can be grown successfully in a greenhouse.
Greenhouses provide an optimal environment for basil cultivation.
Growing basil in a greenhouse offers extended growing seasons.
Proper temperature and lighting conditions are crucial for basil growth in a greenhouse.
Greenhouse gardening allows for better control over pests and diseases.
Watering and soil preparation are important factors for successful basil growth in a greenhouse.
Basil plants in a greenhouse benefit from protection against environmental factors.
Greenhouse-grown basil can have higher yields and better quality.
Growing basil in a greenhouse requires attention to humidity levels.
Regular maintenance and care are essential for healthy basil plants in a greenhouse.

Plant in full sun

The best way to ensure your fruit sprouts grow as quickly and vigorously as possible is to provide them with plenty of sunlight. 

Full sun (or partial shade) will make them stronger and healthier, resulting in a larger yield overall.

When it comes to creating the perfect environment for your greenhouse, shading your canopy is an essential aspect. Explore our comprehensive guide on how to shade a canopy to learn effective techniques and ensure optimal conditions for your basil and other plants.

Choose a container

  • Choose a container that is at least 10 inches deep, but don’t go any deeper than 2 feet.
  • Make sure the container has drainage holes in the bottom.
  • If you need to drill more holes in your pot, use a 3/8″ drill bit or ¼” spade bit. Don’t make too many holes or they will drain out all of your soil and water!
  • Choose a pot that has an opening in the top for ventilation so that heat can escape from inside the greenhouse (this will help keep it cool).

Prep the Soil

Before you plant your tree, it’s important to prep the soil so that it can support the growth of your ancient fruit.

To start, add a good amount of compost and fertilizer to the soil. The amount needed will vary depending on how large your greenhouse is and how often you plan on watering. 

If you’re growing indoors for a short period of time (like in a cooler), less water will be necessary than if you are trying to grow plants year-round with minimal rain.

Next, use mulch around the tree’s base; this helps prevent weeds from growing in between rows while also keeping moisture levels high near roots during dry spells or periods when less water is being applied.

Looking to set up a canopy for your chuppah? Our step-by-step guide on attaching a canopy to a chuppah will walk you through the process, providing you with the necessary insights to create a beautiful and functional setup.

Plant in an Incubator

If you’re looking to grow a plant with a long history, like basil, try using an incubator. Incubators are used to germinate seeds and keep them warm. 

They can be homemade or purchased online and range in size from small boxes to large tables. To make your own mini-incubator setup:

Choose a seedling tray. These are usually made of plastic and have holes in the bottom of each cell that allow water to drain out so they don’t get too wet inside their trays. 

They look like little petri dishes with lids on top! You can find these at most garden stores or even just Walmart or Target if you live in America (or other countries).

Get yourself some clear plastic domes for your seedlings—they protect against rain but allow sunlight through into the greenhouse so that seeds will grow faster than if they were exposed only indoors under lamps alone! 

You can get these at any hardware store as well such as Home Depot/Lowe’s here in America although any similar place should work fine too depending on where you live worldwide 🙂

 I recommend buying two packs since one pack might not last very long depending on how many plants you’re trying out at once.”

Plant TypeRecommended Varieties
Leafy GreensButterhead Lettuce, Spinach
HerbsBasil, Parsley, Cilantro
MicrogreensBroccoli, Radish, Sunflower
SproutsAlfalfa, Mung Bean, Lentil
SucculentsEcheveria, Sedum, Haworthia

Keep the Soil Moist

Watering your plants is really important, and it’s a good idea to keep the soil moist all of the time. You should water your plants every day, but make sure you’re not overwatering them! Overwatering can actually kill your fruit trees because their roots will rot (and then they’ll die).

So how much water should you give your tree? That depends on how big the container is and how big the tree is! 

If there are no leaves on your fruit trees yet, then they won’t need much water because they don’t have leaves to absorb water yet. 

If there are only a few small leaves on top of one branch or two, then maybe just put some water into each container once every day. If there are lots of full-sized branches that look like this:

Maintaining proper temperature is key to successful greenhouse gardening. Discover easy and effective ways to keep your greenhouse warm in our informative article on how to keep your greenhouse warm. Learn valuable tips and techniques to ensure optimal growing conditions for your basil and other plants.

Maintain the Temperature

Here are the basics of maintaining the temperature:

Have a thermometer. The ideal temperature range for pomegranate trees is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Get a thermometer to help you monitor the temperature and make sure it stays consistent throughout day and night.

Avoid temperature spikes at all costs! When temps drop below freezing outside, your greenhouse will be vulnerable to damage from frost or even freezing water pipes if you get too close to those temperatures inside your greenhouse. 

If this happens, you could lose your entire crop—and that’s not worth risking just for some extra fruit! 

To avoid this disaster, keep close tabs on what’s happening in both seasons so that when winter rolls around again (or if it already has), you’ll know exactly what needs to change with regard to heating sources like heat mats or fans if needed

Shield the Seedlings from Sunlight

The first step to growing ancient fruit in a greenhouse is to shield the seedlings from sunlight. This can be done by using a shade cloth, or by placing your plant stand in a shaded corner of your greenhouse. 

Using either method will keep the seedlings out of direct sunlight for about 2 weeks until they have grown about 1 inch tall.

MethodRecommended Products
Use Shade ClothAluminet Shade Cloth, Agfabric Sunblock Shade Cloth
Create a SunshadeGarden EXPERT Sunshade Netting, Coolaroo Sun Shade
Utilize Plant CoversGardaner Plant Covers, Gardener’s Supply Co. Cloches
Build a Temporary Shade StructureEasy Gardener Sun Screen Fabric, ALEKO Outdoor Canopy
Provide Natural ShadePosition seedlings under existing tree canopies

Watering Your Sprouts

Watering your sprouts is one of the most important things to do. Too much water will cause them to rot, but if you don’t give them enough water they won’t grow at all. 

The best way to tell if your sprouts need water is if their leaves are beginning to curl up and look dehydrated. If this happens, it may be time for a little drink!

To avoid overwatering or underwatering your sprouts (which can both lead to rotting), be sure not to pour too much water in at once; instead use just a little bit at a time until their roots have spread out enough that they can hold onto their own moisture from there on out.

To protect your greenhouse and create a watertight structure, it’s crucial to understand how to properly waterproof a greenhouse. Dive into our comprehensive guide on how to waterproof a greenhouse to learn essential steps and techniques for maintaining a well-sealed and protected environment.

Fertilizing Your Plants

Fertilizing your plants is essential for healthy growth. You can use a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, but you should be careful not to over fertilize! 

It’s important to only use fertilizer when the plant needs it, and it’s also important to pay attention to the size of your plant. 

If you don’t know how much fertilizer to give your fruit tree at any given time, there are many great resources online that can help you figure out what works best for you and your garden!

Plant TypeRecommended Fertilizer
HouseplantsMiracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food
Flowering PlantsScotts Super Bloom
Vegetable GardenJobe’s Organics Vegetable & Tomato Fertilizer
SucculentsEspoma Organic Cactus Plant Food
Citrus TreesJobe’s Organics Fruit & Citrus Fertilizer

Harvesting Your Basil Sprouts

Harvesting your basil sprouts is the best part of this process. You’ve done all the hard work, and now you get to reap the rewards! 

The key thing to remember is that you only want to pick leaves from the top two-thirds of your plant. 

This will encourage new growth, so if you take too many leaves from below it could stunt your basil’s growth and make it stop flowering.

Once you’ve harvested some fresh basil leaves, what do you do with them? Simple: just add them to whatever dish you’re cooking up! 

Basil adds a lot of flavor and aroma when added at any stage during cooking (though I tend to prefer it raw), so have fun experimenting!

Light is a vital component for the healthy growth of plants in a greenhouse. Discover the ideal lighting conditions and how much light you need for your greenhouse in our informative article on how much light you need in a greenhouse. Explore effective strategies to provide your basil and other plants with the optimal amount of light for their development.


Hopefully, this article has helped you to understand how to grow basil in a greenhouse. It’s not difficult at all, but it will take some time and effort on your part. 

Make sure that you have everything ready before planting, because once the seeds are planted they need constant attention and care until harvest time. Good luck!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources on growing basil in a greenhouse:

Greenhouse Gardening: How to Grow Basil: A comprehensive guide that provides valuable tips and techniques for successfully cultivating basil in a greenhouse. Learn about optimal growing conditions, care tips, and harvesting methods.

Growing Basil in a Greenhouse: Discover the benefits of growing basil in a greenhouse and explore practical advice for maximizing your basil yield. This resource offers insights into proper watering, temperature control, and pest management.

There’s No Better Way to Grow Basil Than in a Greenhouse: Dive into this article to learn why growing basil in a greenhouse is highly recommended. Explore the advantages of greenhouse cultivation, such as extended growing seasons and protection from environmental factors.


How do I prepare the soil for growing basil in a greenhouse?

To prepare the soil for growing basil in a greenhouse, start by ensuring it is well-draining and enriched with organic matter. Amend the soil with compost or well-rotted manure to improve its fertility and texture.

What temperature range is ideal for growing basil in a greenhouse?

Basil thrives in temperatures between 70°F and 85°F (21°C to 29°C). Aim to maintain a consistent temperature within this range in your greenhouse to promote healthy growth and productivity.

How often should I water basil plants in a greenhouse?

Watering frequency for basil plants in a greenhouse depends on various factors such as temperature, humidity, and soil moisture levels. As a general guideline, water your basil plants when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Do basil plants require specific lighting conditions in a greenhouse?

Basil plants require abundant sunlight or high-quality artificial lighting for optimal growth. Ensure your greenhouse provides at least 6 to 8 hours of direct or indirect sunlight daily. Supplemental grow lights can be used during periods of low natural light.

How do I prevent pests from damaging basil plants in a greenhouse?

To prevent pest damage, regularly inspect your basil plants for signs of infestation. Implement integrated pest management techniques, such as using organic insecticides, introducing beneficial insects, and practicing good sanitation measures to minimize pest populations.