How To Add Greenhouse To Shed (Garden Advice)

If you are a person who loves gardening and want to grow your own plants, then it is better to convert the shed into a small greenhouse. 

Greenhouses are quite useful for growing plants in the winter and summer seasons. If you don’t have any experience in building greenhouses then it is better to hire someone who can do that job perfectly.

How To Build a Greenhouse Shed (Part 2 of 4) – YouTube
Building a greenhouse attached to a shed can be a practical and space-saving solution for gardeners.
Proper planning and consideration of factors like shed structure, foundation, and greenhouse materials are crucial for a successful integration.
The shed should have a sturdy foundation and be structurally sound to support the weight of the attached greenhouse.
Selecting the right greenhouse materials, such as polycarbonate or glass, can ensure proper insulation and light transmission for plant growth.
Ventilation and temperature control are important aspects to consider when adding a greenhouse to a shed.
Creating a suitable entrance between the shed and greenhouse allows for easy access and proper maintenance.
Paying attention to drainage and moisture management is essential to prevent water damage and maintain a healthy growing environment.
Incorporating shelving, benches, and organizing systems can help maximize space and optimize storage within the shed-greenhouse combination.
Regular maintenance, including cleaning, checking for structural integrity, and monitoring temperature and humidity, is crucial for the longevity and productivity of the shed-greenhouse setup.

Step-1: Position The Shed

Before you start adding a greenhouse to your shed, it’s important to make sure that your shed is in the right place. 

To get the most benefit out of your greenhouse and provide the best conditions for plants, you need to place it in an area where it will receive plenty of sun and be protected from strong winds.

You also want to make sure there are no trees or other structures that might block sunlight from reaching the structure. 

There should be enough space around the greenhouse so you can easily walk around inside it without bumping into anything.

Now that we’ve talked about positioning your shed, let’s move on!

When adding a greenhouse to a shed in your garden, it’s essential to anchor it securely to the ground. Our comprehensive guide on how to anchor a greenhouse to the ground provides easy fixes and valuable tips to ensure stability and durability.

Step-2: Select The Plant

You can consult an expert or use the internet to find out which plants are suitable for your climate, and then narrow down your choices based on things like maintenance needs and growing requirements.

 A good way to start is by choosing a plant that is easy to maintain, as well as one that grows in pots or hanging baskets. 

For example, if you live in an area with warm summers and don’t have much experience with indoor gardening (or any at all!), it might be a good idea to choose a plant that requires minimal care such as succulents or herbs. Also, try not to overwhelm yourself by choosing too many plants at once!

Step-3: Make It Waterproof

If you are using a shed kit or have used similar materials to build your own greenhouse, it is imperative that the roof is properly waterproofed. 

The best way to do this is by sealing all joints and gaps with a good quality waterproofing sealant. If you can’t get hold of any, then use waterproofing paint instead. 

However, if your shed uses traditional timber and not treated materials such as plywood or MDF (medium-density fiberboard), then the only choice left for you is to use a waterproof membrane on top of your roof frame before applying any other finishings like paint or sealant.

If you’re planning to install a small greenhouse on your shed, proper anchoring is crucial. Learn effective techniques and simple fixes in our article on how to anchor a small greenhouse to protect your structure from strong winds and maintain its integrity.

Step-4: Add A Drainage System

Once you’ve added your greenhouse, it’s time to set up a drainage system. This is an important part of any greenhouse, whether DIY or store-bought. 

Without a proper drainage system, the plants will over-saturate with water and eventually die due to root rot.

To install your own PVC pipe drainage system, first cut 2 PVC pipes about 6 inches long and lay them horizontally at the bottom of your shed (or where you’re going to place your new greenhouse). 

Next, drill small holes into each end of each pipe so that they can be connected by smaller pipes or tubing later on. Repeat this process until all four sides have been covered with small holes 40 in total should do the trick! 

Finally, connect all pipes together using small rubber gaskets between each joint for added protection against leaks or damage caused by frost build-up during winter months when temperatures dip below freezing point around here where I live; this isn’t necessary but just something extra I like doing so there aren’t any surprises later down the road when everything starts growing 🙂

Step-5: Install Hanging Planters

You can easily install hanging planters in your shed and use them to grow vegetables, herbs, fruits and other plants. These hanging planters are easy to install and they will make a great addition to your shed. 

The best thing about these hanging planters is that they can be installed anywhere in the shed. You can also use them to grow plants that need more sunlight or less sunlight depending on what type of plants you have planted inside the greenhouse.

Lightweight and durable materialsEasy installation and long-lasting use
Stylish and decorative designsEnhances visual appeal of indoor or outdoor spaces
Adjustable hanging heightsAllows flexibility in positioning
Drainage holes for proper water flowPrevents waterlogging and root rot
Space-saving solution for small areasMaximizes vertical gardening potential
Suitable for a variety of plant types and sizesVersatile options for different plant species
Convenient maintenance and wateringEasy access for watering and care

Step-6: Add Lights

If you have a greenhouse, you will need to install lights. Otherwise, your plants won’t be able to grow during the winter. It can be tricky because not all greenhouses have good natural light, but there are ways to get around that problem:

If you don’t want to place the lights directly on top of your plants, consider hanging them from above or placing them on shelves near where your plants are growing. 

This will keep them out of reach (and therefore safe) while still providing enough illumination for growth.

Make sure you measure carefully when deciding how many lights you want in your structure! Because each plant needs different amounts of light and heat at different times, it’s important that they all get their fair share so they all grow well together without becoming jealous or upset with each other!

Maintaining the optimal temperature in your greenhouse is key for successful gardening. Discover various methods and easy ways to add heat to a greenhouse in our expert advice guide, ensuring your plants thrive in a warm and nurturing environment.

Step-7: Create Shelves

With the shelves in place, you can start adding your plants and materials. The best way to do this is to create a plan that outlines which plants will go where on each shelf. 

This will ensure that they all get enough sunlight (or water, if they’re thirsty) and that you don’t have any dead spots anywhere.

You’ll also want to consider the type of plant you’re going to put in each section some need more space than others, so make sure they aren’t crowded or squished together too much!

To keep everything organized and easy to access, I recommend putting similar items on adjacent shelves: for example, all my seeds could go on one shelf while my tools are kept together in another section of my greenhouse.

Step-8: Do Planting In Containers

  • Use containers with drainage holes. The container should be large enough to hold the plant, but also small enough to fit on or inside your shed or greenhouse.
  • Add a lid and use some sort of plastic sheeting or tarp over it to keep it moist. This will help keep your plants alive until they can be planted outside again.
  • Make sure that there’s a hole in the bottom so that water can drain out and not drown your plants, which can happen if you don’t have one!
Flexibility in placementAdequate container size and depth
Easy mobilityProper drainage and soil quality
Control over soil quality and compositionSelection of appropriate plant varieties
Reduced risk of soil-borne diseasesRegular watering and fertilization
Ideal for small spaces or limited garden areasProtection from extreme weather conditions

Step-9: Use Outdoor Furniture Inside

If you want to add some color to your indoor space, try using outdoor furniture inside. In fact, this is one of the most popular ways that people use their sheds they take their patio sets and move them indoors when they want a change of scenery. 

It’s best to use a covering like a tablecloth or throw blanket when doing this so as not to damage any part of the furniture that might come into contact with your floor (the wood may have water-resistant finishes).

If you’d rather go for something more neutral, consider using indoor furniture outside instead. This isn’t quite as common but can be just as effective at brightening up your backyard or porch! When choosing what pieces go where keep in mind that lighter colors tend to look better against darker backgrounds (like greenhouses).

Combining a pergola with your shed and greenhouse can create a beautiful outdoor space. If you’re wondering how to secure a pergola to a deck, our informative article on how to anchor a pergola to a deck provides answered questions and helpful tips for a stable and safe structure.

Step-10: Add An Extension To Your Shed Greenhouse

Once you have a greenhouse, you may wish to add an extension. This could be a small shed-like building or even just a simple lean-to addition that would provide more space and better light.

Step-11: Clean Up During Winter To Remove Weeds And Insects

  • During the winter, you will want to clean up your greenhouse.
  • You should remove weeds, plants and leaves that have died over the winter. Dead plants and leaves can attract pests, especially if they are not removed properly.
Remove weedsPrevent weed growth and competition
Clear fallen leavesReduce hiding places for insects
Trim overgrown vegetationMinimize insect harborage areas
Inspect and seal entry pointsPrevent pests from entering structures
Dispose of plant debrisEliminate potential insect habitats

Step-12: Organize Everything Well

You need to keep the shed organized and clean. This will help you find things easily and it will also maintain the beauty of your greenhouse.

Organizing everything can be done in different ways depending on how much space you have and what tools you have. 

You can add shelves, hooks and hanging planters that are used for growing plants. It’s important to make sure that you have enough space to store all your gardening tools as well as other supplies so they don’t take up too much room because this could lead to clutter which affects the look of your greenhouse. 

If there isn’t enough room in your shed then consider adding some shelving units in order to make better use of the available space which may also improve its appearance by making it more tidy looking instead of cluttered with stuff lying around everywhere (and possibly getting damaged).

It’s also advisable that if possible try not just using any old table or chairs when setting up chairs inside because these things might get damaged easily due to any number of reasons.

Therefore, investing money into buying something better quality would prevent having to spend time repairing things constantly instead focusing on enjoying yourself while being outside working hard at gardening-related activities suited for looking after plants etcetera…

Modifying structures to meet specific needs is a common task. If you’re looking to add a stove jack to your tent or greenhouse, our step-by-step guide on how to add a stove jack to a tent offers easy ways to incorporate this feature and enhance the functionality of your shelter.


So, that’s all we have to say about how to add a greenhouse to your shed. We hope this guide has been helpful in showing you what steps need to be taken and how they can help you build an effective one in no time at all.

Further Reading

7 Things to Know Before Building a Greenhouse: Discover important considerations and expert tips to keep in mind before embarking on your greenhouse construction project.

10 Clever Ways to Organize Your Greenhouse: Explore innovative and practical ideas for organizing and maximizing the space in your greenhouse, ensuring efficient plant growth and easy access to your gardening supplies.

Considerations for Building a Greenhouse: Gain valuable insights into the key factors to consider when planning and constructing a greenhouse, including site selection, materials, and environmental considerations.

Please note that the descriptions provided are brief and can be further customized or expanded to better fit the context of the content where the Further Reading section will be placed.

Now, here’s an example of an FAQs section in Markdown language, based on the semantic of the TITLE. The questions and answers are presented without numbering:


How do I choose the right size for my greenhouse?

Choosing the right size for your greenhouse depends on factors such as available space, intended use, and future expansion plans. Assess your needs and consider factors like the number of plants you want to grow and the space required for equipment and pathways.

What materials are commonly used for greenhouse construction?

Common materials for greenhouse construction include glass, polycarbonate, and polyethylene. Each material has its advantages and considerations, such as durability, insulation properties, and cost. Evaluate your specific requirements to determine the most suitable material for your greenhouse.

Do I need a permit to build a greenhouse?

The need for a permit to build a greenhouse varies depending on local regulations and the size of the structure. Check with your local authorities or building department to determine if you need a permit before starting your greenhouse construction.

How can I maintain proper ventilation in my greenhouse?

Proper ventilation is crucial for maintaining a healthy greenhouse environment. You can achieve this by incorporating vents, windows, or exhaust fans to allow for air circulation. Automated ventilation systems can also help regulate temperature and humidity levels.

What are the essential considerations for greenhouse placement?

When placing your greenhouse, consider factors such as sunlight exposure, wind direction, access to utilities, and proximity to water sources. Optimal placement will maximize sunlight and minimize the impact of external factors on your plants.