How To Adjust Greenhouse Temperature (Easy Fix)

If you have a greenhouse, there’s no doubt that it is a wonderful place to grow plants. But unless you know how to adjust the temperature in your greenhouse, it will be hard to enjoy all of the benefits of having one. 

In this post, we’ll talk about what the ideal temperature for your greenhouse is and how you can adjust it so that growing plants becomes easier and more cost-effective.

Controlling Temperature and Humidity in Greenhouses
Adjusting greenhouse temperature is crucial for optimal plant growth.
Proper temperature regulation can be achieved through various methods.
Greenhouse vents play a significant role in temperature control.
Understanding greenhouse window openers is essential for maintaining desired temperatures.
Adding heat to a greenhouse can help create a suitable environment for plants.
Anchoring a greenhouse to the ground ensures stability and temperature consistency.
CO2 levels in the greenhouse can impact temperature and plant growth.
Exploring additional resources can provide further insights and techniques.

What Is The Ideal Temperature For Your Greenhouse?

The ideal temperature for your greenhouse depends on the plants you are growing. Most plants do best in temperatures between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. 

You can use a thermometer to check the temperature inside and outside of your greenhouse at different times throughout the day and adjust accordingly if necessary.

When it comes to maintaining optimal temperature in your greenhouse, adjusting greenhouse vents is a crucial step. Our comprehensive guide on how to adjust greenhouse vents provides valuable insights and techniques to ensure the ideal growing conditions for your plants.

How To Adjust The Temperature In Your Greenhouse

Of course, it’s not all about the temperature. You’ll also want to make sure you’re using the right types of plants and planting them in an area that is conducive to their growth.

When it comes to keeping your greenhouse at a good temperature, there are a few different things you can do:

Cover the ground with mulch. Mulch will help keep down weeds and keep moisture from evaporating too quickly from the soil. This will help prevent root rot and other problems associated with dry soil conditions.

Install a ventilation system for cross-ventilation, which allows airflow through openings in each wall of your greenhouse or structure (like windows or doors) so hot air is able to escape through one end while cool air enters at another end keeping temperatures balanced overall throughout your structure’s interior space!

Create A Buffer Zone

A buffer zone is a space between your greenhouse and the outside world where you can plant any number of plants that will help to insulate, protect, and cool down your greenhouse. 

You can create a buffer zone with any number of different plants depending on your goals for it.

For example, if you’re trying to cool down an area in the summertime, consider planting shade-loving perennials such as Appalachian fern (Polystichum appalachianum) or wild blue phlox (Phlox divaricata). 

These plants will naturally provide humidity around them while still attracting pollinators and other beneficial insects that are drawn to nectar flowers.

Controlling the temperature in your greenhouse involves paying attention to even the smallest details. Learn how to effectively manage your greenhouse environment by understanding the mechanics of the greenhouse window opener. Discover expert tips and tricks in our article on how to adjust a greenhouse window opener for optimal temperature control.

Position Your Greenhouse Correctly

It’s important to position your greenhouse correctly. The ideal location for a greenhouse is sunny, but not in direct sunlight, as it can overheat the plants and soil.

You should also make sure that wind doesn’t come from one direction ideally, it will blow from all sides. 

If there are any trees around your property then you should make sure they aren’t blocking any of the sun’s rays or they could be shading part of your garden which may cause some problems with light levels inside the greenhouse.

If you want to keep things really simple then place the greenhouse on a slope facing southeast! This will ensure plenty of light comes into your garden regardless if it’s cloudy or not.

Use A Misting System

You can keep the temperature in your greenhouse cool by adding a misting system. This system will use water to cool down the air around the plants and make them happier, healthier, and more productive. 

It’s a good idea to use a misting system if you live in a hot climate that has high humidity outside. 

The air inside your greenhouse will feel more humid when there is moisture in it, but this is good for most plants because they need more humidity than people do.

If you don’t want to deal with installing an expensive new cooling system in your greenhouse or building one from scratch, then you should consider adding an overhead fan instead of buying an expensive cooling unit like an air conditioner or dehumidifier. 

A ceiling fan works well because it distributes cool air evenly throughout the space without having much impact on its surroundings like other types of equipment would have (like those mentioned above). You could even try using multiple fans if needed!

Maintaining a consistent and suitable temperature in your greenhouse is essential for plant growth. If you’re looking for ways to add warmth to your greenhouse, our guide on how to add heat to a greenhouse offers practical methods and recommendations to ensure your plants thrive in a comfortable environment.

Install And Use A Ventilation System

Ventilation is an important part of maintaining a healthy environment in your greenhouse. Ventilate your room regularly, at least once every day or two. This will help to keep the air fresh and clean, which is good for plants as well as humans!

There are many different types of ventilation systems, but they all serve the same purpose: pushing fresh air into the space while getting stale air out. Ventilation systems can be expensive, however oftentimes costing thousands of dollars. 

Luckily there are more affordable options that you might already have lying around your house! A simple fan set on low will do just fine if it’s not too hot outside (or if you want some extra circulation within). 

Another possibility is building a solar ventilation system using plastic bottles filled with water or sand; when the sun heats up one side of the bottle (think thermodynamics), it creates pressure inside which forces air out through small holes drilled at intervals along its length. 

If you want something more refined than this makeshift contraption but don’t want to shell out thousands either…

Insulate Your Greenhouse Walls, Floor, And Ceiling

Use an insulation kit for the walls. These kits consist of a vapor barrier and insulation material that can be cut to size with scissors or a utility knife. They are easy to install and can be purchased at any home improvement or garden store.

For the floor and ceiling, use a thermal blanket or straw as insulation material instead of plastic sheeting because it’s cheaper than plastic sheeting but works just as well at keeping the heat in during wintertime when there’s less sunlight available for growing plants inside your greenhouse

AreaInsulation Type
WallsDouble-layered polycarbonate panels
FloorFoam board insulation
CeilingFiberglass insulation

Cover The Ground With Mulch

A good way to regulate temperature, control evaporation, and keep weeds out of your greenhouse is by adding mulch. 

Mulch is any plant material (such as straw or wood chips) that’s spread over the soil in a thin layer. It retains moisture in the ground and helps the soil maintain a constant temperature throughout the year.

You can buy commercial mulches from garden centers or make your own using grass clippings or other organic materials you find around the house. 

For example, if you’re using straw as mulch then place it on top of your dirt bed with spaces between each piece so there aren’t any gaps where water can’t drain properly out towards drainage holes at either end of your greenhouse (it’s best if these are placed slightly higher than level with where water normally drains). 

If possible try not to spread too much along one side because this might cause uneven heating throughout different parts of your structure instead just leave some space open near both ends so air can circulate freely

Securing your greenhouse properly is vital for stability and temperature regulation. Explore our step-by-step guide on how to anchor a greenhouse to the ground to learn effective techniques and best practices for securing your structure, ensuring its resilience against external elements.

Use A Thermal Blanket When It Gets Really Cold Outside

Use a thermal blanket when it gets really cold outside. If you have a glass greenhouse, you can use a loose-fitting thermal blanket to help keep the heat in. 

The blankets are made of either plastic or foil and come in different sizes to fit your specific greenhouse. 

You can place them over the windows of your greenhouse if there is not enough space for hanging, or hang them from the ceiling to help raise temperatures even further. 

Thermal blankets work best when used in conjunction with other heating strategies such as insulating materials like straw bales or hay bales that will help retain heat inside the structure.

Shelve Your Plants Or Hang Them Up

If your greenhouse is set up with shelves, you can use them to your advantage. This is because plants on shelves tend to get more sunlight than those that aren’t. 

Plants that need lots of light should be placed on the top shelf, while plants that need less can be placed lower down. 

All shelves should have some form of trellis or hanging wire for the plants to grow off of so they don’t fall over when they become heavy with fruit or seed pods (depending on what type of plant you’re growing).

If your greenhouse does not have shelving built into it, then you’ll want to create a portable system for hanging up plants. 

All you need for this project are some strong branches or sticks from trees and vines like bamboo or roses; wooden dowels cut into 3-foot lengths; string; and nails or screws if needed for attaching pieces together at certain points along their length (you may also want these items on hand just in case). Then follow these steps:

Use one piece as an “A” bracket by threading one end through another piece so that it forms an upside-down “T;” then secure them together using nails/screws if necessary (or tie them together with rope if using wood instead). 

2) Make three more brackets using two pieces each time (these will be used later when creating supports between which we will hang our plants). 

3) Put all four brackets together forming what looks like an upside-down Y shape made out of bamboo poles – this will act as our support structure supporting all other components within its reach.”

Monstera DeliciosaShelf
Spider PlantHanging
Snake PlantShelf

Cover The Glass With A Greenhouse Blanket

If you have a greenhouse, it’s important to keep the temperature regulated and consistently warm. One way to do this is by using a greenhouse blanket.

What is a greenhouse blanket? A greenhouse blanket is a thick, insulating material that covers your glass windows and doors. The blanket keeps in heat during cold winter nights, while also shielding your plants from harsh winds and stormy weather.

How do I measure my own special-sized blanket? It’s easy! Just measure your windows or door openings (from corner to corner) before ordering your custom size online. 

You can then use this measurement as an estimate when it comes with options for widths ranging from 5 feet up to 10 feet (1 meter up to 3 meters), followed by length options ranging from 8 feet up 20 feet (2 meters – 6 meters).

Creating the ideal growing environment for your plants requires attention to various factors, including CO2 levels. If you want to maximize your greenhouse’s potential, check out our informative article on how to add CO2 to a grow tent. Discover effective methods and understand the benefits of CO2 supplementation for plant growth.

Close Off Rooms You Are Not Using

Close off rooms you are not using. When you’re closing down a greenhouse, keep in mind that it’s a lot more work to open up all the doors and windows than simply locking them shut. If you have an extra space in your greenhouse that isn’t being used for anything, then there’s no reason to leave it open.

Use a door fan to circulate air around the room. This is especially helpful when your greenhouse has multiple rooms or levels. If possible, place the fan so that it blows warm air from above down into any other areas where cool air can sneak in from below (like through vents).

Use a dehumidifier if the humidity is too high. The same goes for dehumidifiers as fans: they help circulate air throughout your greenhouse even when it’s closed off from outside elements like rain or snowfall!

Living RoomOpen
Bedroom 1Closed
Bedroom 2Closed
Home OfficeClosed

Plant The Right Types Of Plants

Planting the wrong type of plants in your greenhouse can be very costly and time-consuming. Planting the right types of plants will save you time, energy, and money. 

Plants that are grown outside need to acclimate over a period of weeks or months before they can thrive in their new environment. 

For example, if you plant warm-season vegetables in your greenhouse when it’s cold outside, these plants will become stunted and deformed because they aren’t used to being grown indoors at such low temperatures.

Knowing How To Adjust The Temperature In A Greenhouse Will Save You Time And Money

Knowing how to adjust the temperature in a greenhouse will save you time and money.

  • Save on heating costs by using the sun’s energy instead of relying on electricity or gas.
  • Save time on maintenance by not having to pump up your greenhouse as often.
  • Save time on watering plants, especially if you have an automatic watering system that uses rainwater or collected water from the roof.
  • Save time on harvesting because the plant is ready when it is ready, not when it’s convenient for you!
  • And save even more time because there are no worries about cleanliness if there are no messes made!


It’s important to know how to adjust the temperature in your greenhouse. You don’t want to waste money or time on plants that are not suited for growing in your environment. It can be tricky, but with these tips and tricks, you will be able to keep your plants happy and healthy as they grow!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on adjusting greenhouse temperature:

Methods to Decrease Temperature in a Greenhouse: Explore various methods and techniques to effectively decrease the temperature in your greenhouse, ensuring optimal growing conditions for your plants.

5 Ways to Improve Temperature and Humidity in Your Greenhouse: Discover practical strategies to improve both temperature and humidity levels in your greenhouse, maximizing plant health and productivity.

How to Regulate the Temperature in a Greenhouse: Learn essential tips and techniques for regulating the temperature inside your greenhouse, allowing you to create the ideal environment for successful plant growth.


Here are some frequently asked questions about adjusting greenhouse temperature:

How can I cool down my greenhouse during hot summer months?

During hot summer months, you can cool down your greenhouse by implementing several methods such as shading, proper ventilation, evaporative cooling, and using fans or misting systems.

What is the ideal temperature range for a greenhouse?

The ideal temperature range for a greenhouse depends on the type of plants being grown. However, most plants thrive within a temperature range of 65-75°F (18-24°C) during the day and slightly lower temperatures at night.

How do I heat my greenhouse in colder seasons?

To heat your greenhouse during colder seasons, you can use various heating methods, including electric heaters, gas heaters, radiant heating systems, or even utilizing thermal mass to retain heat.

Can I use insulation to regulate greenhouse temperature?

Yes, insulation can be an effective way to regulate greenhouse temperature. By insulating the structure, you can minimize heat loss during colder periods and reduce heat gain during hot seasons.

Are there any automated systems available for greenhouse temperature control?

Yes, there are automated systems specifically designed for greenhouse temperature control. These systems often include sensors, thermostats, and actuators that adjust ventilation, heating, and cooling mechanisms based on pre-set temperature parameters.