How To Make A Step On A Patio? (Easy Way)

If you need to get from one part of your patio to another but don’t want to step in dirt or mud on the way, then a step like this one is perfect. 

You can make it from sturdy plywood, or even just use some cement blocks if you’re feeling ambitious (and have no fear of heights). 

The key here is to build a level foundation for your step that takes into account its height and how much weight will be bearing down on it at any given time.

Building a £60 Raised Patio Step / The Carpenter’s Daughter
Building steps on a patio can be made easier with the right approach.
Proper planning and preparation are essential for a successful patio step construction.
Choosing the right materials and tools is crucial for the durability and aesthetic appeal of the steps.
Following a step-by-step guide can help simplify the process and ensure accurate installation.
It is important to consider safety measures and adhere to building codes when constructing patio steps.
Regular maintenance and upkeep will prolong the lifespan of the patio steps.

1. Choose The shape Of Step

Choosing the shape of your step is one of the most important parts of the process. The shape you choose should be based on what you want to use your step for, as well as how much space you have available to work with.

A straight step can be used for walking up and down, but it isn’t particularly comfortable for sitting on. If you plan on using your patio steps for sitting, consider having a curved one built instead.

A curved patio step will make it easier to sit down or stand up from. It also makes it easier to navigate than a straight patio step would be because there’s more room between each individual stair-step closest to where you’re standing or sitting when looking at them from above.

So if someone else comes along behind them (or even tries walking past them), then that person won’t bump into either side railings which would otherwise block their path off towards another part of their house without warning!

Looking to build a patio on a budget? Our guide on how to build a cheap covered patio provides easy-fix solutions and cost-effective tips to create your ideal outdoor space without breaking the bank.

2. Level The Ground

Once you have the wood, it’s time to prepare the ground for your step. To do this, you’ll need to level out the space in which you’re going to build your patio. 

You don’t want any low points or uneven surfaces that could lead to tripping hazards or structural issues later on.

To start, remove any stones and debris from the area so that everything is clear and ready for work. 

Then fill in any holes with dirt until they are completely covered up; make sure there aren’t any open spaces underneath where water can get trapped!

Next, take some caution while using a shovel or spade (or whatever tool you choose) and dig down around three inches into the earth at random spots across your prepared surface (make sure not to dig too deep). 

If after this process there are still large gaps between different areas of soil then try adding more dirt until everything is leveled out nicely with no distinct areas left uncovered by dirt at all!

GradingModifying the ground’s slope and contour to create a level surface.
ExcavationRemoving soil or earth to achieve a level ground surface.
Fill MaterialsAdding materials such as soil, sand, or gravel to raise the ground level.
Laser LevelingUsing laser technology to ensure precise and accurate ground leveling.
Bobcat GradingUtilizing a Bobcat machine to level the ground efficiently.
Landscaping ToolsUsing tools like rakes, shovels, and tampers to level the ground manually.

3. Build The Formwork

You’ll build the formwork by placing stakes in the ground. Use a level to mark where each stake should go and then hammer it into the soil until it’s flush with the surface of your patio area. Mark these points with tape, so you won’t lose track of them when you start digging.

Use an excavator to dig out dirt from around each stake until they’re buried up to their bases (or just below). 

Use stakes to hold this dirt in place before it settles back down again after construction is complete. 

You’ll want enough depth at this point that there’s no way anyone could step on top of or into your forms without hitting one first – 2 feet (60 cm) is good practice here, but feel free to adjust according to how much space you have available for your patio project!

Want to give your patio furniture a fresh look? Learn how to properly stain and seal your furniture with our step-by-step guide on staining and sealing patio furniture. Enhance the longevity and beauty of your outdoor furniture with these expert tips.

4. Install The Reinforcement

Reinforcement is a metal mesh that is embedded in the concrete and helps to prevent cracks. It’s usually made of steel or polyester, with steel being stronger and more durable than polyester. 

The reinforcement is added to the concrete mix before it’s poured into your patio form, so you don’t have to install it separately from your step project.

5. Lay The Concrete

When you’re ready to pour the concrete, use a notched trowel to spread it out evenly. Next, use the float to smooth out any bumps and dips in order to create a flat surface. 

When you’re done with that step, move on to removing excess concrete with a bull float. Finally, finish up your patio’s surface by using a power trowel (also known as an edger or power float).

PouringThe process of pouring liquid concrete into designated areas.
ScreedingUsing a straight board or screed to level and smooth the concrete surface.
TrowelingEmploying a trowel to create a smooth finish on the concrete surface.
FloatingUsing a float to level and remove imperfections in the concrete surface.
CuringAllowing the concrete to set and harden through proper moisture retention.
SealingApplying a protective sealant to enhance the durability and appearance of the concrete.

6. Smooth And Shape The Concrete

The concrete should be smoothed and shaped while it’s still wet. Spread it with a bull float, which looks like a small snow shovel with short handles. 

Then smooth any ridges left by the bull float by rubbing them down with a push broom or broom made for concrete surfaces.

Now that you’ve gotten rid of those ridges, you can shape your step in various ways it all depends on what look you’re going for. 

If you want something simple and minimalistic, just go with plain square steps; if you want something more elaborate (and potentially higher), then add in smaller stair-like pieces around the sides to get an octagonal shape like ours did here at the top of our front steps:

After shaping each section individually using either an edger tool or hand tamper, sweep away any loose dirt from between each piece so that everything is flush against one another without leaving any gaps between them this will prevent water from seeping into cracks later on down the road!

Tired of using string lights to illuminate your patio? Discover creative alternatives in our article on how to light a patio without string lights. From solar-powered fixtures to LED pathways, explore unique ways to add ambiance and lighting to your outdoor space.

7. Spread The Stone Slab

Now that you’ve got your stone slab in place, it’s time to spread it out evenly. If you’re using a thin layer of mortar or stone adhesive, use a trowel and straight edge to help you spread the material evenly. 

The goal is to make sure there aren’t any obvious lines or pockets of stuck-together stones.

8. Place Paver Steps In A Curved Patio Edge

Measure and cut the pavers to fit your curve, using a laser level or straight edge to ensure that they are level with each other.

Apply a thin layer of mortar between each paver and the edging stones around your patio area (follow manufacturer’s instructions). Let dry completely before moving on to next step.

Place your last paver in place along with its corresponding edging stone; then tuck in any loose pieces around edges of each paver so they’re flush with each other and bordering stones/wall

9. Add Border Paver Edging Material

Now it’s time to add border paver edging material. You can use this to create a decorative edge around the steps, which will make them look more finished and less like an eyesore in your yard. 

There are many different types of border pavers available for purchase. Some come with instructions on how to install them, but most do not have any specific instructions at all.

In some cases you may have to hire someone with experience using that particular product or style of pavers, as there are some complicated installations that require special tools and skillsets.

10. Apply Polymeric Jointing Sand Between Pavers

Once the patio is laid out and you’ve finished sanding, it’s time to apply polymeric jointing sand between the pavers. 

Polymeric sand is a type of sand that has been treated with a polymer (a substance made up of large molecules) to make it more durable. It can be used as a filler between pavers or as an adhesive for tiles and stone flooring.

Polymeric sand comes in bags or in bulk, but either way it’s really inexpensive compared with jointing compound (the traditional alternative). 

Just make sure that whatever type you use is suitable for your application polymer-treated sands are available in three different grades: coarse, fine and superfine and follow any instructions on the packaging carefully.

Beat the heat and enjoy your patio all summer long with a patio mister system. Our guide on setting up a patio mister offers an easy way to cool down your outdoor area and create a comfortable oasis for relaxation and entertainment.

11. Wet And Compact Polymeric Sand Between Joints

Mixing wet sand between the joints will make your patio stronger and more durable.

When it comes to making a patio, you need to be careful about how you compact the polymeric sand. 

You don’t want to compact it too much or else there won’t be enough space for water to drain out of the joint. 

If there’s not enough room for water, then your patio will start cracking at the joint due to pressure from moisture build-up or other factors like freezing temperatures (which could also cause cracks).

12. Build A Stair Tread Mold From Melamine Panels And Wood Strips

When you’re building a stair tread mold, use melamine panels and wood strips to build the mold for the risers and treads. 

The process is pretty straightforward: cut the pieces to size, and then glue them together to make your mold. 

The thickness of your lumber will determine how wide your riser will be; typically, it’s about 3/4″ thick by 3/4″ wide.

Melamine PanelsDurable, smooth-surfaced panels used to create the base of the stair tread mold.
Wood StripsSolid wooden strips used to frame and support the melamine panels.
Screws or NailsFasteners used to secure the melamine panels and wood strips together.
Measuring TapeEssential tool for accurately measuring the dimensions of the stair tread mold.
Saw or Miter SawCutting tool for precisely cutting the melamine panels and wood strips to size.
ClampsUsed to hold the mold components in place during assembly.

13. Mix And Pour Concrete Into Mold To Make Treads

Mix concrete according to the instructions on the bag, using water as directed and adding sand for extra strength.

Pour concrete into mold using a shovel, making sure you fill all of the spaces in your mold so that no air bubbles remain in it (these will create weak spots in your patio step).

Use a trowel or flat piece of wood to smooth out any surfaces where there may be cracks or gaps between concrete pieces, until they are perfectly even with each other and level with respect to each other at every point along its surface area (this will help make sure the finished step is strong enough).

Place plywood over top of concrete steps once they have been set for several hours (make sure it’s dry before doing this)

Then remove plywood after 24 hours have passed; repeat steps 1 through 4 as necessary until you reach desired height/width dimensions for your patio steps – this could take anywhere from 2-6 times depending on how powerful your mixer attachment is when mixing up batches of concrete!

14. Remove Plywood After Treads Cure, Then Level Risers With Cement-Based Mortar Mix

Remove Plywood After Treads Cure, Then Level Risers With Cement-Based Mortar Mix: After the plywood treads cure for 24 hours, you can use an angle grinder or a wood chisel to remove them. Use a trowel to level the risers with mortar. 

Then tap each riser into place with a brick hammer until it’s flush with the surface of your patio. Wait for your new step material to cure before walking on it!

Curious about the average height of patio umbrellas? Find out in our informative post on how tall is the average patio umbrella. Discover the right size for your patio and make informed decisions when selecting an umbrella for shade and protection.


That’s all there is to it! In just a few easy steps, you can build a beautiful stone patio for your home. Just remember that the design of your project will reflect on your taste and personality. 

If you want something simple but elegant, use pavers for the entire patio. If you want something more ornate or colorful (maybe even with some plants!), consider using bricks instead; they give off a more traditional feel compared with modern concrete slabs in shades like gray or white.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on patio installation and building patio steps:

6 Steps to a Perfect Patio: Learn the essential steps to create a beautiful patio, from planning and site preparation to choosing materials and completing the installation.

Building Patio Steps with Pavers: Discover a detailed guide on constructing patio steps using pavers. This resource provides step-by-step instructions and tips for a successful project.

Brick and Concrete Patio Steps: Explore this informative guide that focuses specifically on building brick and concrete patio steps. Learn about the necessary materials, tools, and techniques for creating sturdy and visually appealing steps.


Here are some frequently asked questions about patio installation and building steps:

How do I prepare the ground for a patio installation?

To prepare the ground for a patio installation, start by removing any vegetation and existing debris. Excavate the area to the desired depth, ensuring proper drainage. Compact the soil and create a level base using a gravel or sand layer.

What materials can I use to build patio steps?

Patio steps can be constructed using various materials such as pavers, bricks, concrete blocks, or natural stone. The choice of material depends on personal preference, budget, and the overall design of your patio.

Do I need a permit for patio installation?

The need for a permit for patio installation varies depending on local building codes and regulations. It is recommended to check with your local authorities to determine if a permit is required before starting the project.

How do I ensure proper drainage for my patio steps?

Proper drainage is crucial for preventing water buildup and potential damage to your patio steps. Ensure that the steps are built with a slight slope away from the house, allowing water to flow away. Additionally, consider incorporating a drainage system or installing gravel or perforated pipes beneath the steps to facilitate water runoff.

Can I build patio steps myself, or should I hire a professional?

Building patio steps can be a DIY project if you have the necessary skills and tools. However, if you are unsure or lack experience, it may be wise to hire a professional contractor to ensure proper construction and safety.