What Size Carbon Filter For 3×3 Tent? (Find OUT)

You’re probably reading this because you are looking for a carbon filter for your tent. You may be wondering, “What size carbon filter do I need?” or “How many cubic feet per minute is enough?” 

This guide will help you find the right size of carbon filter for your tent and explain all about CFM.

How to Select the Right Carbon Filter – YouTube
Finding the right size carbon filter is essential for a 3×3 tent.
Proper air filtration helps maintain a healthy growing environment.
Consider factors like air exchange rates and CFM calculations.
Choosing the correct filter size eliminates odors effectively.
Regularly monitor and replace carbon filters for optimal performance.

Grow Tent Size

Ideally, you should select a filter that is at least 1 inch bigger than the grow tent so that it can be placed on top of the grow tent. For example, if your tent size is 3×3, then you should go for a 4-inch carbon filter.

The same applies to 4×4 and 5×5 tents. For 6×6, 7×7 and 8×8 tents, make sure to use filters at least 2 inches larger than the actual size of your grow tent. 

This will ensure proper airflow inside the tent as well as better filtration because there won’t be any gaps between them and your walls.

For 9 x 9 to 10 x 10 tents – 3 inches extra space should do fine!

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Grow Area Size

As mentioned above, the size of your grow tent will determine the size of your carbon filter. A 3×3 grow tent requires a 3×3 carbon filter, and a 4×4 grow tent requires a 4×4 carbon filter. 

The size of the carbon filter needed also determines its price – larger filters are more expensive than smaller ones.

CFM of Fan

CFM is the amount of air that moves through a space per minute. It’s calculated by multiplying the width of the room in feet by the height of the room in feet and dividing by 60. 

For example, if you want to know how many cubic feet per minute (CFM) can be moved through your tent, you need to multiply 3 x 3 (the size of your tent) by 36 (the height), then divide that number by 60:

  • 36 x 36 / 60 = 576 CFM

Expected Yield

To determine the expected yield of your plant, there are basic factors you need to account for. These include:

  • Plant size
  • Plant growth
  • Plant maturity
  • Plant density (number per square foot)

The more space each plant has to grow, the bigger it can get. This is why growing in a tent or greenhouse often results in larger plants than keeping them indoors under lights. 

The final height and weight of your plants will also depend on what strain you’re growing and how long it takes that particular strain to mature. 

A sativa-dominant strain may take longer than an indica-dominant one because sativas can be more finicky with their environment and require more attention during vegetative growth stages.

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Amount of Odor Produced

These factors combined with the amount of odor produced by your grow will have a significant impact on how large your carbon filter needs to be. 

For example, if your tent is 2×2 and you are only growing one plant, then a relatively small carbon filter may work for you. 

However, if you’re growing multiple plants in a 3×3 tent and they produce an above-average amount of odor, then it would be best to invest in a larger carbon filter. 

It’s also important not to overlook other factors such as fan size and grow lights when making this determination as those can also significantly impact overall smell intensity.

SituationOdor Production
Normal ConditionsMinimal odor production
CookingVaries depending on the type of food and cooking methods
Pet AreasVaries based on the number and type of pets
Waste ManagementDepends on the disposal methods and waste type
Industrial ProcessesCan range from low to high odor production
Agricultural ActivitiesOdor production can be significant in certain activities
Commercial EstablishmentsDepends on the nature of the business and operations
Personal HygieneVaries based on personal care routines and products used

Location of Grow Room

Carbon filters are not only used to remove certain chemicals and odors, but also as a way to control temperature and humidity. 

This can be very useful in the grow room because carbon filters will help keep your plants from drying out while they’re processing photosynthesis.

When you’re looking for the right size filter for your specific tent, it’s important to keep in mind where the grow tent will be located. 

If you plan on placing your grow tent in a hot area like an attic or garage, there’s no need for something that has strong air-exchanging qualities since these types of environments tend to stay fairly cool anyway (usually). 

However, if this isn’t the case—or if you’d simply like more control over what temperature does get into your space—you may want something with higher CFM ratings (cubic feet per minute) so that airflow can be adjusted accordingly.

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Odor Level Needs

The odor level needs of a grower are different for every grower. Therefore, it is impossible to recommend a size carbon filter based on your tent size alone. 

Instead, you will have to consider how much odor is produced by both your plants and the carbon filter itself. You should also consider how much odor is produced by the fan if you have one installed in your tent.

Odor LevelDescription
Low Odor LevelMinimal or no detectable odor present in the environment.
Moderate Odor LevelMild to moderate odor that may be noticeable but not overpowering.
High Odor LevelStrong and pervasive odor that can be quite noticeable and unpleasant.
Very High Odor LevelExtremely strong and intense odor that can be overwhelming.
Odor EliminationEffective odor elimination is required to achieve desired odor level needs.

HVAC in Your Building

If you have HVAC in your building, it is likely that you will not need a carbon filter. If you do not have HVAC, then you will likely need a carbon filter.

If you have HVAC and do not want to use a carbon filter (because they are expensive and the process of installing them can be complicated), but want to make sure that your air quality is as good as possible, then we recommend purchasing an air purifier instead of or alongside a carbon filter. 

Air purifiers work by removing large particulates from the air but cannot remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like carbon dioxide and formaldehyde because these gases are too small for most air purifiers to trap effectively. 

Carbon filters can remove VOCs and provide additional benefits like odor removal and insect control as well but some people feel that these benefits aren’t worth the cost or hassle associated with installing one in their homes.

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  • How much airflow is needed?

It’s important to know how much air should be flowing through the tent and what size fan you need to achieve this. The best way to determine this is by calculating how many CFM (cubic feet per minute) of air flow you need at a given temperature and humidity.

What size carbon filter do I need?

Most 3×3 tents come with an exhaust fan that has an attached carbon filter. You can use a smaller or larger one, depending on your needs, but make sure it fits inside the housing provided by your tent manufacturer!

Airflow MeasurementUsing tools such as an anemometer or airflow meter, airflow can be measured and quantified.
Importance of AirflowProper airflow is crucial for maintaining optimal conditions in various applications, including HVAC systems, computer cooling, and indoor gardening.
Factors Affecting AirflowFactors like ventilation design, ductwork configuration, fan size, and obstructions impact the airflow within a system.
Airflow ControlTechniques like adjustable dampers, fan speed control, and proper positioning of vents can help regulate and control airflow.
Enhancing Airflow EfficiencyImplementing technologies like centrifugal fans, laminar flow diffusers, and optimized duct layouts can improve airflow efficiency and distribution.

Number of Plants in Growing Space

The number of plants you are growing in your grow tent will determine how much carbon filter you will need. 

If you are growing a small number of plants, then a smaller carbon filter is required. However, if you have a larger number of plants, then it is important to purchase a bigger size carbon filter to ensure proper ventilation and air circulation throughout the growing space.

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Total Watts of Lighting Being Used in Grow Space

Your grow space is going to have specific wattage requirements. If you are using 600W of light, then your carbon filter will need to be able to handle at least 600W of energy in order for it to work properly. 

It’s important that you keep this in mind when purchasing a carbon filter so that it can withstand the amount of power being used by your grow lights.

If you’re growing cannabis with 1000W worth of lighting and exhaust fans, then make sure that the filters are strong enough to withstand such high amounts of electricity usage.


From our research, it is clear that a carbon filter will help you control the smell in your grow space. It can also help with other things like dust and pollen. 

The size of the filter will depend on what type of grow tent you have and how much space you have to work with.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful for further information on carbon filters and grow tents:

What Size Carbon Filter for Grow Tent: This comprehensive guide provides insights into selecting the right size carbon filter for your specific grow tent setup, helping you maintain optimal air filtration.

Carbon Filter for 3×3 Grow Tent: Discover the benefits of using a carbon filter in a 3×3 grow tent and learn about different filter options available to effectively control odors and maintain air quality.

Grow Tent Carbon Filter Size Guide – The Ultimate Formula: This comprehensive guide offers an in-depth understanding of the factors to consider when determining the appropriate carbon filter size for your grow tent, including air exchange rates and CFM calculations.


Here are some frequently asked questions related to carbon filters and their use in grow tents:

How do carbon filters work in a grow tent?

Carbon filters work by using activated carbon to adsorb and trap odors and contaminants present in the air. When the air passes through the filter, the activated carbon attracts and captures the particles, resulting in cleaner and odor-free air in the grow tent.

What is the importance of the right carbon filter size for a grow tent?

Choosing the correct carbon filter size for your grow tent is crucial for effective air filtration. A properly sized filter ensures that all the air passing through the system is adequately filtered, helping to eliminate odors and maintain a healthy growing environment.

How do I determine the appropriate carbon filter size for my grow tent?

The size of the carbon filter depends on various factors, including the size of your grow tent, the number of plants, and the desired air exchange rate. Consider consulting a size guide or using CFM (cubic feet per minute) calculations to determine the appropriate filter size for your specific setup.

Can I use a larger carbon filter than recommended for my grow tent?

While using a larger carbon filter may provide additional air filtration capacity, it is not always necessary or recommended. Using a filter that is too large for your grow tent may result in reduced airflow and negatively impact the performance of your ventilation system.

How often should I replace my carbon filter in a grow tent?

The lifespan of a carbon filter depends on several factors, such as the level of odor or contaminants in the air and the size of the filter. As a general guideline, carbon filters should be replaced every 6 to 12 months or when you notice a significant reduction in their odor-trapping effectiveness. Regular maintenance and monitoring can help determine the appropriate replacement interval.