How Do I Keep Ticks Off My Patio? (Easy FIX)

Ticks are tiny, sneaky creatures that can attach themselves to you and your pets. They hang out in tall grasses, shrubs and bushes, so it’s important to be vigilant about keeping them away from your patio. 

But how can you do this? We have some tips for keeping ticks at bay:

Cheap Way to keep TICKS OFF!!! (CRAZY Experiment)
Ticks can be kept off patios with easy fixes.
Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prevent ticks.
Creating a tick-resistant barrier can be effective.
Natural tick repellents can provide an alternative solution.
Professional pest control services may be necessary for severe infestations.

Trim Vegetation

Trim vegetation. Ticks like to hide in tall grass and bushes, so keep these areas well trimmed. You can use a weed trimmer or string trimmer to maintain your lawn, but don’t use a lawn mower—sometimes, tiny ticks will become trapped in the blades of a mower and end up becoming “dragged” around as you walk through infested areas!

Don’t let grass get too long. If you have a large yard with tall grass growing on it, be careful about letting it grow too long before cutting it back again. 

Thatch is an indicator that there are bacteria present in the soil that help decompose organic matter; however, if there’s too much thatch (a layer of dead roots) then this can create an ideal environment for mosquitoes to breed quickly! 

Some people say that using mulch around their foundation helps keep mosquitoes away from their home because they don’t like being outdoors near high-traffic areas where they can get stepped on by humans or pets who might crush them underfoot while walking outside at night time during mosquito season (which lasts roughly 2-5 months depending on where you live).

Looking to add some ambiance to your patio without relying on traditional string lights? Our comprehensive guide on lighting options for patios explores creative alternatives that will transform your outdoor space.

Mow The Lawn

Mow the lawn regularly. This will help keep ticks to a minimum, as they are more likely to attach themselves to tall grass and weeds than short grass. 

If you use a mulching mower instead of bagging your grass clippings, you’ll be helping combat ticks in two ways: you won’t need to remove them as often and they are already destined for decomposition, meaning fewer ticks on your lawn in the first place!

If you have a large yard or not much time during spring/summer months (like me), consider hiring someone else to do this job for you. It could save you time and energy and keep those nasty ticks off your patio!

Keep Grass Short And Plant Flowers

Keeping grass short as well as planting flowers will help keep ticks off your patio. Ticks like to hide in tall grasses, so keeping your lawn manicured and trimmed helps to prevent them from making their homes there!

Additionally, you should be sure to plant a variety of different flowers that attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. 

These insects are the natural predators of ticks; they eat them for a meal! Additionally, many ornamental plants have fragrant scents that drive away biting insects like mosquitoes (not just ticks). Some examples include lavender, rosemary, mints even citrus trees.

Finally, consider planting edible flowers around your home so that you can use them in tea or cooking without having to leave the house entirely (or step foot into potentially tick-infested territory). 

Edible plants include violets (which taste similar to spinach), nasturtiums with edible leaves and stems (they taste like mustard) and rose petals (which add great flavor when steeped). 

There’s also plenty of non-edible options if you don’t want something growing inside but still want some beautiful colors on your patio: try sunflowers because they attract hummingbirds too!

Tired of dealing with unwanted toads on your patio? Our informative article on keeping toads off your patio provides practical tips and solutions to maintain a toad-free environment, ensuring a pleasant outdoor experience.

Move Play Sets And Storage Sheds To A Sunny Area

If you live in a tick-infested area, it’s important to make sure that your kids and pets are not at risk. 

Ticks like to hide in shady areas, so you should move play sets and storage sheds to a sunny location. Also try to keep grass cut short so there are fewer places for ticks to hide.

Spray Chemicals

You can use any chemical that is labeled for tick control. You should spray your patio in the morning, and do so in a well-ventilated area. If you are spraying indoors, turn on all of your fans and leave them on while spraying. 

Spray until the chemical is dry so that ticks cannot get back onto your patio after they have been repelled by the chemicals. Also, make sure to read all instructions before using any chemicals!

Effective in controlling pests and insects
Provides targeted treatment for specific issues
Easy and convenient application
Offers long-lasting residual effects
Widely available from trusted brands and retailers

Let The Rain Flush Out Your Patio

Letting the rain wash away dirt and debris is a great way to help keep ticks off your patio. By running the hose over the patio for about 10 minutes before it rains, you can clean all of the dirt from cracks in the concrete, making it harder for ticks to hide out there.

Once it’s rained, make sure that you go around with a hose again and give your patio another good cleaning before heading back inside.

Create A Border With Gravel Or Sand

The main reason ticks can’t get out of your yard is because there’s a barrier around it. A border is basically a fence, but instead of wood or metal, you use stone or sand.

To make sure ticks don’t get in:

Make sure the border is at least 3 feet wide and at least 3 feet high. This means that they won’t be able to jump over easily and will have to go through the gravel/sand to get into your yard.

Make sure the border is at least 3 feet from the house so that you’re not trapping them inside!

Thinking of starting a small patio? Our detailed guide on how to start a small patio offers valuable insights, step-by-step instructions, and inspiring ideas to help you create a cozy and functional outdoor space.

Spread A Natural Repellent

You can also spread a natural repellent. Look for products that contain DEET (diethyl-meta-toluamide), picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus   these are effective at killing ticks. 

You can make your own by combining 1 part 100% essential oils with 3 parts carrier oil. The best carrier oils include jojoba and coconut oil, but you can use whatever you have on hand in the kitchen cabinet!

Use Mulch In A Dry Area

Mulch is a great way to keep ticks off your patio. Mulch can be made from bark, wood chips, or stone and should be at least 3 inches deep. 

If you have the space for it, consider using a thick layer of mulch around the base of trees in order to prevent ticks from reaching their host animals.

If you don’t want to use mulch in a dry area (such as under an oak tree), consider planting ground covers that are naturally resistant to deer ticks like Black-eyed Susan and New England Aster instead.

Retains soil moisture
Reduces evaporation
Helps prevent weed growth
Improves soil structure
Enhances overall plant health and growth

Place Playground Bark In Shady Areas

For a natural way to keep ticks off your patio, place a few pieces of playground bark in shady areas. 

The recycled rubber tires are an effective repellent for ticks and other insects. They’re safe for kids to play on and will last for years without degrading. 

You can also use them in the garden as mulch   just make sure not to plant directly into it.

Build An Outdoor Shower Or Footbath Before Entering Your House From Your Patio

The best way to prevent ticks from invading your house is by getting them off of you as soon as possible. If you notice any ticks on yourself or pets, use a hose and spray them off. 

This will not only get rid of the tick but also prevent it from biting anyone else later. Additionally, make sure that you pay special attention to the back of your legs and underneath your feet so that no ticks can attach themselves unnoticed. 

It’s best to do this before entering your home so that no new ticks can enter with you!

If a tick does latch onto someone in their home, use tweezers or forceps (or some other kind of tool that comes with a long handle) to grab the tick in order to pull it out slowly without squeezing too hard so that its mouth parts aren’t broken off inside their skin! 

Once removed carefully dispose of both parts outside immediately so as not let anything else happen next time someone walks through grassy areas around here!

Installing a patio door on concrete doesn’t have to be a complex task. Our easy-to-follow tutorial on installing a patio door on concrete provides expert tips, essential tools, and a simplified approach to ensure a successful installation process.

Vacuum Frequently During Tick Season

Vacuum frequently during tick season. A weekly or more frequent vacuuming can help keep ticks, fleas, and other pests from taking up residence in your home. 

If you have a large yard, consider investing in a vacuum that is specifically designed for pet hair so that you don’t have to worry about the suction power or filter clogging with fur balls. Always use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to prevent dust from spreading around the house.

Reduces the presence of ticks in your home
Helps eliminate ticks from carpets and rugs
Removes ticks from furniture and upholstery
Prevents ticks from establishing infestations
Minimizes the risk of tick bites indoors

Inspect Yourself And Your Pets For Ticks After Being Outside

If you are spending time outside, it’s important to check yourself and your pets for ticks after being outside. You can use a tick repellent that is safe for children and pets.

Noticing hairline cracks in your concrete patio? Our comprehensive guide on repairing hairline cracks in a concrete patio offers effective solutions, recommended products, and step-by-step instructions to restore the beauty and integrity of your outdoor surface.


We hope this article has helped you to decide how to keep ticks off your patio. Remember, the most important thing is to stay safe and be aware of the dangers that ticks pose.

Further Reading

How to Get Rid of Ticks: A Comprehensive Guide: Learn effective methods and strategies to eliminate ticks from your outdoor spaces and protect your home and family from these pests.

How to Get Rid of Ticks in Your Yard: Discover practical tips and techniques for controlling ticks in your yard, including preventive measures and treatment options to keep your outdoor areas tick-free.

Protecting Your Lawn and Garden Against Ticks: Find out how to safeguard your lawn and garden from ticks with this informative guide, which covers preventive measures, tick habitat management, and recommended products for tick control.


Can ticks cause health issues?

Ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and other tick-borne illnesses. It’s important to take preventive measures and be aware of the potential health risks associated with tick bites.

How can I check for ticks on my body?

Perform a thorough tick check after spending time outdoors in areas where ticks are prevalent. Inspect your body, including the scalp, behind the ears, and other hard-to-see areas. Pay attention to any attached ticks and promptly remove them.

What are some natural tick repellents?

Natural tick repellents include essential oils such as cedarwood, eucalyptus, and rosemary. Planting tick-repelling plants like lavender and marigold in your garden can also help deter ticks. However, it’s important to note that natural repellents may not be as effective as chemical-based repellents.

How can I prevent ticks in my yard?

To prevent ticks in your yard, keep the grass trimmed, remove leaf litter and debris, and create a barrier between wooded areas and your lawn. Consider using tick control products or hiring professional pest control services for comprehensive yard treatment.

How do I safely remove a tick?

To safely remove a tick, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick’s mouthparts close to the skin. Gently pull upward with steady pressure, ensuring you remove the entire tick. Clean the area with soap and water and apply an antiseptic. Avoid crushing the tick or using alternative removal methods like heat or petroleum jelly.