How Do You Close An Outdoor Tent? (Easy Way)

Tents are a great way to make sure that you’re comfortable while camping, but they also require a little bit of extra care. To avoid any problems with your tent, here are some tips on how to close it up properly:

Easier Than You Might Think – How To Fold Up a Pop Up Tent!
Closing an outdoor tent doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming.
Following an easy guide can simplify the process of closing your tent.
Properly folding and storing your tent ensures longevity and easy setup for future use.
Understanding the steps involved in closing a tent can make your camping experience more enjoyable.
Take the time to learn the best techniques for closing your specific type of tent.

Secure the Top

Make sure all the poles are in place, and then check that each one is secure. Next, check that there aren’t any loose ties or tent stakes. Finally, make sure that your tent is not touching the ground or any sharp objects at all—you don’t want your tent to get punctured!

Closing an outdoor tent doesn’t have to be a hassle. Our easy guide on folding a pop-up canopy provides step-by-step instructions to help you pack up your tent quickly and efficiently.

Zip Up All the Zippers

Once you’ve cleaned and closed all your windows, it’s time to zip up your tent. Be sure to zip up all the zippers on your tent, including those along the floor and ceiling. Don’t leave any gaps or openings for bugs or dust to get in. 

If you’re finished using your tent for the day, be sure to fold up any loose material before tucking it away in its bag and storing it somewhere out of the way.

Type of ZipperRecommendation
Tent ZippersEnsure all tent zippers are fully closed and functioning.
Jacket ZippersZip up jacket zippers to stay warm and protected.
Backpack ZippersSecurely close backpack zippers to keep belongings safe.
Sleeping Bag ZippersZip up sleeping bag zippers for insulation and comfort.
Luggage ZippersFully close luggage zippers to safeguard your belongings.

Tie the Windows Down

Now that you’ve secured the tent, it’s time to make sure that your windows are secure as well. Tie down each window so that they don’t flop around in the wind and get damaged or broken. You might also want to tie down any other openings in the tent (such as doors or vents) for this same reason.

Stake the Tent Down

You’re almost done! Now you need to stake down the tent. Staking your tent down is a matter of using the right stakes, properly positioned and securely hammered into the ground.

Tent stakes should be long enough to reach the ground and sturdy enough for the job; if you’re not sure what length to use, go with something longer than 6 inches (15 cm), but no longer than 12 inches (30 cm). You can use mallets or even bricks or rocks as weights on your tent stakes if needed.

If you don’t want an extension cord running through your campsite all night, consider laying it out before staking down your tent so that you know where it will go when finished.

When it comes to closing a weather tent, simplicity is key. Learn the easy way to fold and store your tent with our helpful tips on folding a weather tent.

Check If All the Hooks and Loops Are Attached

This is an extremely important step, so make sure you check every single hook and loop on your tent. If a hook or loop is missing, broken or damaged, do not use it. You’ll want to keep an eye out for any fraying as well a frayed edge can be dangerous!

Type of AttachmentRecommendation
Tent HooksEnsure all tent hooks are securely attached.
Velcro StrapsVerify that all Velcro straps are fastened properly.
Bungee CordsCheck that bungee cords are tightly secured.
CarabinersInspect carabiners to ensure they are properly clipped.
Rope or Tie-downsConfirm that all ropes or tie-downs are securely tied.

Put on the Tent Cover

Now that you’ve taken care of all of your tent poles, it’s time to focus on the tent cover. The cover is just as important as the rest of your tent, as it protects your investment from everything from rain and snow to UV rays. If you don’t have a cover for your outdoor tent, consider getting one!

The benefits of having a good quality outdoor tent cover are:

Protection from dirt, bugs and other debris that can damage or stain a good quality fabric.

Protection from the elements like rain and snow so that they don’t cause mold or mildew inside the canvas when left exposed for too long without being covered properly with protection measures taken beforehand by way of using covers/tarps etcetera depending on what type needs protecting most urgently (i’m looking at YOU Canada).

Pack in a Dry Area, Not Directly on the Grass

Don’t let the tent get wet, dirty, dusty or muddy during packing. If you do get a bit of moisture on it and want to wash it off before stowing it away, make sure you do so in a dry area (you don’t want to get the tent wet again).

Don’t let any part of the tent flap around too much outside as this could cause damage and breakage later on. Keep everything as neat as possible so that your equipment lasts longer!

Simplifying your camping experience includes knowing how to efficiently close your tent. Explore our few tips on simplifying a camping tent to make your outdoor adventures more enjoyable.

Pull Back from the Door When Opening It

When opening your tent, be sure to pull back from the door as it opens. This will prevent it from hitting or rubbing against any part of your tent. You don’t want this because it could damage your tent or even tear a hole in it if you’re not careful.

Next, when you open the door, don’t rush! Make sure that you are opening at an appropriate speed for the weather conditions and for how strong the wind is blowing outside of your camping area. You don’t want to risk damaging anything else around you either (like other people’s tents).

Lastly and most importantly don’t let anyone jump on either one of these things! This includes kids who may be running around while their parents are trying to get them settled down inside their own tents.”

Opening a doorPull back from the door to avoid potential injuries.
Crowded spacesBe cautious when opening doors in crowded areas.
Car doorsOpen car doors slowly to check for oncoming traffic.
Heavy doorsUse proper technique to avoid strain or accidents.
Automatic doorsStep back and let the door fully open before entering.

Don’t Let Anyone Jump on Your Tent

We know you are excited to be inside your tent and it’s tempting to let everyone jump up and down on top of it, but no matter how durable or sturdy your tent is, jumping on the roof will damage it over time. 

Kids are especially guilty of doing this because they don’t realize that the weight of their bodies can be enough to crack or break the poles and structure of a tent. 

They also have no concept yet of how much strength they possess in comparison with adults, so they don’t take into account how much more force they can apply when jumping than an adult could achieve by just walking around with their weight distributed evenly through both legs.

Pets shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near an outdoor tent either because even though dogs love being outside (and many even like crawling inside tents), their claws will tear holes through any material that isn’t thick canvas or leather and definitely not polyester! 

If you want your dog’s favorite sleeping spot outdoors instead of indoors during camping season then try purchasing some canvas tarps from Amazon for about $30 per piece ($50 total) instead; these can easily fold up into small packages when not needed so there won’t be any need for finding storage space either if you plan ahead properly!

Setting up a big tent by yourself can be challenging, but closing it doesn’t have to be. Discover the best way to pack up your tent solo with our guide on setting up a big tent by yourself.

Keep It Clean and Dry When Not in Use

While this may seem like a no-brainer, there are a few things you can do to make sure that your tent stays clean and dry when not in use:

Use a Tent Cover

If you’re going to leave your tent out for long periods of time, or if you store it outside permanently, then using a cover is an essential part of protecting its durability. A good quality tent cover should last at least two or three seasons before needing replacement.

Keep It Out Of Direct Sunlight And Away From Heat Sources Like Fireplaces Or Radiators

Like any other piece of synthetic material, nylon tents can melt if exposed to high temperatures for long periods of time; the same goes for alloys (e.g., aluminum poles). Make sure that the place where you keep yours is well ventilated but out of direct sunlight—heat can also warp steel frames over time!

Keeping your tent secure in windy conditions requires proper closure. Find out the simple answer to keeping a tent down in the wind and ensure your camping experience remains safe and comfortable.


With these easy steps, you can enjoy your outdoor tent and make sure it stays in good condition for years to come. 

The last thing you want is for your tent to be damaged by improper use or care. If you follow these instructions, we know that your valuable investment will last for years!

Further Reading

How to Fold a Tent Like a Boss: Learn expert techniques and tips on folding tents like a pro for easy storage and transportation.

How to Pack a Tent: Discover step-by-step instructions on packing your tent efficiently to save space and protect it during travel.

How to Fold Up a Pop-Up Tent: Get a comprehensive guide on folding and collapsing pop-up tents, ensuring quick and hassle-free setup and takedown.

Now, let’s move on to the FAQs section:


How do I choose the right size tent for camping?

The size of the tent you choose depends on the number of people and gear you plan to accommodate. Consider the tent’s capacity, floor dimensions, and peak height to ensure sufficient space for comfort.

How do I clean and maintain my tent?

To clean your tent, use mild soap, water, and a soft brush. Avoid harsh chemicals or machine washing. Ensure your tent is completely dry before storing it to prevent mildew and mold growth.

Can I fold a wet tent?

It is best to dry your tent completely before folding and storing it. Folding a wet tent may lead to mildew or unpleasant odors. If you need to pack a wet tent, make sure to dry it as soon as possible after use.

How can I prevent condensation inside my tent?

To minimize condensation, ensure proper ventilation by opening vents or windows and avoiding sealing the tent completely. Use a groundsheet or footprint to create a barrier between the tent floor and the ground.

What should I do if my tent poles break?

If your tent poles break, you can try repairing them temporarily with tape or splints. It is advisable to carry spare poles or a repair kit specifically designed for tent pole repairs for longer camping trips.