How Do You Secure A Greenhouse From The Wind?

Protecting a greenhouse from the wind is necessary for maintaining strong plants and healthy growth. 

Wind is often responsible for damaging plants and reducing productivity. One of the most important parts of protecting your greenhouse from the wind is understanding how it affects different types of structures and then using this information to make smart decisions about what type of structure to choose, how to position it on your property, etc. 

To help you get started, here are some general tips for protecting your own greenhouse from strong winds:

How to Protect your Greenhouse from the Wind
Greenhouse wind protection is crucial for maintaining the structure’s integrity.
Proper reinforcement techniques can enhance a greenhouse’s resistance to wind.
Anchoring the greenhouse securely to the ground is essential.
Using wind-resistant materials, such as polycarbonate or tempered glass, can contribute to a more secure greenhouse.
Regular maintenance and inspections are necessary to ensure windproofing measures are effective.

Install A Plastic Windbreak

One of the best ways to secure a greenhouse is with a windbreak. The purpose of a windbreak is to reduce the effects of wind on your greenhouse, specifically by blocking the path of strong winds. 

Windbreaks are generally made from sturdy plastic or metal that can withstand even high winds and storms. While there are many different types of windbreaks available, here are some options for you:

A plastic curtain has openings along its length so that you can easily enter and exit your greenhouse without needing to open up all four sides at once (which could make it vulnerable). 

It also allows air circulation within your greenhouse while keeping out dust particles and other debris that irritate plants’ leaves with their tiny barbs. 

t provides protection against strong winds without being too heavy or difficult to handle; however, if you want something more durable then consider using another type instead since this option may wear down over time due its lightweight plastic material. 

A simple solution would be using plywood painted white as an alternative–you could also use tarps instead! 

There are many options available depending upon what materials are available near-by where ever you live but these work well because they’re affordable.”

When it comes to securing your greenhouse from the wind, reinforcement is key. Our expert tips on reinforcing a canopy top will provide you with valuable insights on strengthening your canopy for maximum wind resistance.

Use A Greenhouse Fan

The second way to secure your greenhouse from the wind is to use a fan. A greenhouse fan will help you circulate air through the greenhouse, which will allow for better temperature regulation.

The first thing that you need to do is ensure that the fan is balanced so that it pushes air through rather than pulls it in. This means that it should be placed at an angle and not level with the ground. 

The height of this angle depends on how strong of an impact you want your fan to have on heating and cooling your space; adjusting this height can have a big impact on how much energy is consumed by operating your unit, so make sure that you know what’s best before making any adjustments!

Your next step should be placing this device in the center of your structure (or at least close enough). 

This placement allows hot air from one side of the building or room and cold air from another side or room respectively because they both meet right there! 

This creates a circular motion which helps everything stay nice and even throughout without having any extremes whatsoever – perfect for anyone who suffers with allergies like myself.”

Anchor Your Greenhouse

There are a few key things to keep in mind when choosing a greenhouse anchor kit. Make sure the anchor is placed in the right place, and make sure it’s strong enough for your needs. 

The last thing you want to do is buy an anchor that’s too strong it can damage your greenhouse or even cause damage to other parts of your property.

We recommend using GreenHousesDirect’s heavy duty greenhouse anchors, which are made from galvanised steel and come with an extra-long drop cord so you can adjust them easily (and safely) as needed.

Is your EZ-up canopy in need of repair? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Check out our pro tips on fixing an EZ-up canopy to learn effective techniques for restoring your canopy’s functionality.

Install Louvre Vents

Louvres are an easy way to control the airflow in a greenhouse. They’re made of plastic and are designed to open and close automatically, depending on the weather. 

They can be installed on the roof or side wall of the greenhouse, or both, depending on your needs and preference. 

The louvre vents are simple to use you just leave them open or closed depending on what you want (more sunlight in winter; less heat loss in summer).

Louvre Vent TypeBenefits
Automatic Louvre VentsSelf-regulate airflow and temperature inside the greenhouse.
Manual Louvre VentsAllow manual control over ventilation based on specific needs.
Louvre Vents with Insect ScreensPrevent insects and pests from entering the greenhouse while providing ventilation.
Louvre Vents with Polycarbonate PanelsOffer additional insulation and durability while maintaining ventilation.
Louvre Vents with Automatic Rain SensorsAutomatically close during rainfall to prevent water from entering the greenhouse.

Choose The Right Orientation For Your Greenhouse

The orientation of your greenhouse has a huge effect on how it performs. The ideal orientation for most plants is north-facing, but there are also exceptions to this rule. 

For example, if you’re growing tomatoes or peppers then south-facing is best as they won’t get too much shade from other plants and can benefit from extra heat in the summer months. 

On the other hand, east-facing greenhouses are great for cucumbers, melons and squash as they will benefit from morning sun which warms them up during cooler months. 

West facing ones work well for lettuce, spinach and beans due to their midday sun exposure throughout spring into autumn.

Use Windbreaks

The last step is to use a windbreak. Windbreaks are structures that block strong winds from affecting your greenhouse. 

They can be made from plastic sheeting, wood or stone. As long as the windbreak does not have any holes or gaps in it, its purpose will be served. 

The simplest form of a windbreak would involve simply placing a wall of plastic sheeting around the greenhouse. 

More elaborate designs using wooden poles make it easier for you to walk into and out of the greenhouse without disturbing anything inside (and they also look nicer).

Efficiently folding a pop-up canopy is essential for convenient storage and transportation. Our easy guide on folding a pop-up canopy will walk you through the step-by-step process, ensuring hassle-free canopy management.

Shelter Trees And Hedges

Entwined with the idea of shelter is that of shade, which can be equally beneficial to your greenhouse. 

When trees offer shade, they also provide relief from the wind and cooler temperatures for plants in your greenhouse. 

This means you can grow more plants, more easily and more efficiently because you’re not spending valuable energy on heating or cooling them indoors.

On the other hand, there are ways to use trees and hedges to protect your greenhouse without hiding it completely from view. 

For example: if you have a small garden or patio area where your greenhouse is situated or even if you don’t have much space at all! you could plant some trees or shrubs that will grow up into a sort of hedge around its perimeter (and/or within it). 

This will naturally block out views of what could otherwise be seen through those openings between planters and tables outside; however it won’t prevent anyone who wants access getting inside by walking around outside instead.

Fencing To Protect From Strong Winds

Making sure that your greenhouse is protected from strong winds can be done by fencing it. A fence needs to be at least 2.4 meters high, and it should not be too close to the greenhouse; if there is less than 5 meters of space between the two, this will help deflect the wind away from your greenhouse.

Fencing MaterialWind Protection Level
Wooden slat fenceProvides moderate wind protection.
Vinyl privacy fenceOffers high wind resistance due to its solid construction.
Chain-link fence with windscreenProvides a good balance between visibility and wind reduction.
Metal panel fenceOffers excellent wind protection, especially when constructed with solid panels.
Living fence with shrubs or treesProvides natural windbreak and can be effective in reducing wind speed.

Plants That Can Withstand Strong Winds/Wind Tolerant Plants

If you’ve ever tried to grow a greenhouse, you know that the wind can be a force to be reckoned with. It can break glass panes and topple over your structure if it’s not well-constructed. 

Luckily, there are some plants that are able to withstand strong winds, which will help keep your greenhouse intact and protect its contents from damage.

Here is a list of plants that are known for being wind tolerant:

  • Asparagus
  • Beans (pole)
  • Beets
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage/cauliflower
  • Carrots (root)

Unlocking a canopy can sometimes be tricky, but with our expert tips, you’ll be a pro in no time. Discover effective techniques for unlocking a canopy and ensure smooth operation and secure canopy deployment.

Protect Pots From Winds

If you’re choosing to grow in pots and your house is in the open, then you may need to protect your plants from wind. 

You can do this with a greenhouse grow bag and some sort of frame over it (a pot protector, for example). 

The frame could be made out of wood or plastic whatever works best for what you’re doing. A greenhouse cloche will also work well as long as there are no gaps big enough for the wind to get through and cause damage.

If that’s not an option, then maybe consider using a greenhouse dome instead! 

It will provide protection against direct sunlight while still letting enough light through that your plants can still photosynthesize efficiently. 

The downside is that it won’t protect against strong winds; however, if this isn’t an issue where you live then go right ahead!

Don’t Plant Directly In Front Of Windows And Doors

You can also use a windbreak to protect your plants and greenhouse. Windbreaks block the wind and provide a space for you to walk between the greenhouse and the outside. 

They also reduce noise caused by wind gusts blowing directly on your greenhouse.

Windbreaks are effective at protecting both glass walls and plastic ones, but they should not be used if you want to grow plants in front of windows or doors because they will block light from entering into these areas of your greenhouse.

In front of windowsAvoid planting directly in front of windows to maintain visibility and prevent obstruction of natural light.
In front of doorsRefrain from planting directly in front of doors to ensure unobstructed entry and exit.

General Maintenance Of The Greenhouse

Check for leaks. Look around your greenhouse to make sure there are no gaps or holes in the structure that could allow wind to enter.

Check for pests. If you have an infestation of insects or other pests in your greenhouse, they can cause structural damage by gnawing on its wood and plastic parts. You may need to call a pest control professional if this is an issue for you.

Check for mold and mildew. If moisture gets trapped inside the greenhouse due to poor ventilation, it can promote the growth of mildew and mold which will damage both plant health and the structure itself over time..

If you’re wondering how to securely attach a canopy to a chuppah, our guide has got you covered. Learn the proper methods of attaching a canopy to a chuppah to create an elegant and stable setup for your special occasion.


So we’ve covered a lot of ground and hopefully given you some good ideas to try out for yourself. 

Don’t forget about all the other things that can be done to protect your greenhouse from strong winds, such as making sure it is properly maintained and sheltered from any potential dangers. 

It should also go without saying that there are limits on what can be done so don’t let anyone tell you there is no point in trying if they are not willing to help with any of these steps themselves! If they do help though then great job!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on securing greenhouses from wind and storm damage:

How to Windproof Your Greenhouse: This comprehensive guide provides valuable tips and techniques for windproofing your greenhouse, including structural reinforcement and selecting wind-resistant materials.

How to Avoid Storm Damage: Learn how to protect your greenhouse from storm damage with this helpful resource. It covers measures such as anchoring, bracing, and choosing suitable locations to minimize the risk of damage during severe weather.

How to Secure Your Greenhouse: Discover practical methods to secure your greenhouse in this informative article. It discusses various techniques, such as using ground anchors, adding extra bracing, and maintaining a secure structure.


Here are some frequently asked questions about securing greenhouses from wind and storm damage:

Q: What are the best materials to use for windproofing a greenhouse?

A: Choosing materials with high wind resistance, such as polycarbonate or tempered glass, can help increase the structural integrity of your greenhouse.

Q: How do I anchor my greenhouse to the ground?

A: Ground anchors, such as auger-style or concrete anchors, can be used to secure the greenhouse frame to the ground and provide stability during strong winds.

Q: Are there any specific greenhouse designs that are more resistant to wind?

A: Greenhouse designs with sloped or curved roofs tend to have better wind resistance compared to flat-roofed structures, as they allow wind to pass over more easily.

Q: Should I remove or secure loose objects around the greenhouse during high winds?

A: It is recommended to remove or securely store any loose objects, such as pots, tools, or equipment, around the greenhouse to prevent them from becoming projectiles in strong winds.

Q: How often should I inspect and maintain the windproofing measures of my greenhouse?

A: Regular inspections, especially before the onset of windy seasons, are essential to identify any potential weaknesses or damage and to ensure that windproofing measures are in good condition.