How To Absorb Greenhouse Gases (10 Alternatives)

You’ve heard of carbon offsets the idea that if you fly across the Atlantic and you’re worried about your carbon footprint, you can buy a credit to offset the impact of your plane ride. 

Well, here’s a way better solution: Plant some trees! In this post I’m going to cover how trees work as “carbon sinks,” and why we should all do our part to help out Mother Nature.

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions – What You Can Do
Implementing effective strategies to absorb greenhouse gases is crucial for mitigating climate change.
Various alternatives exist for absorbing greenhouse gases, providing a range of options to address the issue.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology can help capture and store CO2 emissions from industrial processes.
Afforestation and reforestation efforts can sequester carbon dioxide by planting trees and restoring forests.
Using bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) can generate energy while capturing and storing CO2 emissions.
Enhancing soil carbon sequestration through practices like cover cropping and rotational grazing can help absorb greenhouse gases.
Direct air capture (DAC) technology can remove CO2 from the atmosphere using chemical processes.
Blue carbon ecosystems, such as mangroves and seagrasses, have the potential to absorb and store significant amounts of carbon.
Green roofs and walls can contribute to absorbing greenhouse gases by increasing vegetation cover in urban areas.
Transitioning to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Plant A Tree

If you want to absorb greenhouse gases, the first thing you should do is plant a tree. Trees are good for the environment because they store carbon dioxide and provide shade so that other plants can grow. 

They also give food and shelter to birds, rabbits, and other animals. When trees die, their wood can be used as fuel or building materials instead of releasing more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as fossil fuels would.

If you’re looking to enhance the growth of your plants and improve CO2 levels in your grow tent, our comprehensive guide on adding CO2 to a grow tent will provide you with valuable insights and techniques to optimize your greenhouse gas absorption methods.

Plant A Forest

You can plant trees to absorb carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas. Trees also help reduce the impact of climate change and restore the environment. 

Trees are renewable resources that provide shade and shelter for wildlife, as well as food (and habitat) for birds and other animals.

Plant Flowers

You’ve probably heard that flowers are good for the environment. You may have even been told that they’re good for you. But did you know that this is because flowers actually absorb greenhouse gases?

That’s right, as simple as it sounds, planting a flower garden can help reduce your carbon footprint and make your home feel more like home!

While we cannot guarantee that your new flower garden will produce a dramatic change in global climate, we can say with confidence that the following steps will help to keep your home environment healthy:

Plant Cropland

Plant crops that absorb carbon dioxides, such as corn and soybeans. Corn is one of the most efficient crops for absorbing CO2, followed by soybeans and wheat. 

Rice is also a good option for mitigating climate change because it’s not only an effective CO2 absorber but also requires less water than other crops to grow.

Other plants that can be planted to help soak up greenhouse gases include coconut palms, oil palms (also known as palm oil), cocoa trees (which produce chocolate!), and sugarcane (which produces sugar).

Maintaining the right temperature in your greenhouse is crucial for effective greenhouse gas management. Our article on adjusting greenhouse temperature offers practical tips and solutions to help you create an optimal environment for both your plants and greenhouse gas absorption processes.

Plant Grassland

Plant more grass. Grasslands are a great way to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, so the more you can grow, the better. 

This is because grasses are natural carbon sinks; they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and release oxygen back into it.

Grassland TypePlant SpeciesSoil AdaptabilityMaintenance Level
Native GrasslandBuffalograssWell-drainedLow
Prairie RestorationBig BluestemMoist to dryHigh
Ornamental GrassFeather ReedgrassWell-drainedLow
Erosion ControlSwitchgrassVariousModerate
PastureKentucky BluegrassWell-drainedHigh

Burn Trash In An Incinerator

If you’re looking for a way to reduce your carbon footprint, then it’s time to add incinerator and landfill gas capture to your repertoire.

While many people think of landfill gas (a mix of methane and other gases that have been produced by decaying organic matter) as a pollutant, the fact is that it can be harnessed as an energy source. 

In fact, landfill gas has been used to generate electricity since the 1960s! Incinerator plants are also great at capturing energy from the trash that would otherwise go unused.

If you’re burning fossil fuels like oil or coal right now, switching over to natural gas may help reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. This switch could even save money on household bills–natural gas is cheaper than oil or coal!

Burn Trash In A Landfill

In most cases, landfills are the worst way to deal with trash. They leach toxic gases that can harm the environment and human health. Landfills also produce methane, a greenhouse gas. 

The EPA estimates that around 28-30% of all methane emissions come from landfills; in 2016 alone they accounted for 10% of U.S.’s total GHG emissions!

Because humans produce so much garbage each year, there are plenty of opportunities for you to reduce your landfill waste by recycling or composting items instead (like food scraps).

Ensuring the stability and security of your greenhouse is essential for successful greenhouse gas absorption. Discover the best methods for anchoring a Palram greenhouse in our detailed guide, providing you with step-by-step instructions and recommendations for a durable structure.

Burn Natural Gas Instead Of Oil Or Coal

If you want to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, you could do what most people do: use less electricity, buy an electric car instead of a gas-powered one and so on. But there’s another way: burn natural gas instead of oil or coal.

Natural gas is considered cleaner than oil because it releases less carbon dioxide when burned; but it still releases some CO2 into the atmosphere–and methane, another greenhouse gas (though not as powerful as CO2). 

If you have access to natural gas, try to use it instead of other fossil fuels whenever possible (for heating and cooking).

Replace Old Appliances With New Ones

Replacing older, inefficient appliances with newer, more environmentally friendly ones is one of the most effective ways to reduce your household’s carbon footprint. 

Newer appliances use less energy because they’re designed to be more efficient and save you money on electricity bills. 

If you have an old refrigerator or air conditioner in your home, it might not be able to keep up with the requirements of your family’s lifestyle and that means that it’s using way more energy than it needs to!

Replacing appliances will also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the amount of CO2 released into our atmosphere when they break down during manufacturing or when they are disposed of after use (or both).

ApplianceBrandEnergy Efficiency RatingAnnual Energy Savings
RefrigeratorSamsungEnergy Star Certified$100
Washing MachineLGEnergy Star Certified$80
DishwasherBoschEnergy Star Certified$60
Air ConditionerCarrierSEER 16$150
Water HeaterRheemEnergy Factor 3.5$120
OvenWhirlpoolEnergy Star Certified$40

Use Fewer Lightbulbs Or Lower The Wattage On The One(S)

The number of lightbulbs you use will depend on the room size, but we can show you some great ways to save energy and money by changing your lighting habits.

Light bulbs come in different shapes, sizes, voltages and wattage ratings. The most common type is a household incandescent bulb (100 watts), which slowly produce light as electricity flows through a small filament inside the glass tube. 

This is what gives them their warm glow it’s like watching an orange burn over time! CFLs (compact fluorescent lights) are also efficient but have been around for years; they’re cheaper than LEDs but not quite as bright or efficient as LEDs either. 

And then there’s LED lighting: These come in basically every shape imaginable and can last up to 25 years with little maintenance required beyond changing out the batteries every once in awhile if they don’t have an electrical source nearby.

If you want to know how many bulbs would work best for your home or office check out this handy calculator tool from EnergyStar Labs!

When it comes to anchoring your greenhouse on concrete, our informative article on anchoring a greenhouse on concrete provides valuable insights and expert tips to help you securely fasten your greenhouse, creating a stable foundation for effective greenhouse gas absorption.

Don’t Buy Gasoline For Your Car, Truck Or Suv. Drive Less

If you live in a city, you probably don’t drive a lot. But if you have to commute on your own, or if you can’t help but take the car out for groceries and errands every now and then, it would be best to consider alternatives:

  • Public transportation. Most major cities have public transportation systems that are cheap or even free.
  • A hybrid vehicle with better fuel economy than what’s currently on the market (this will be cheaper than buying gasoline).
  • Driving an old clunker that doesn’t use as much gas as a new one would.
  • Buying gas from unconventional sources such as vegetable oil, used cooking grease and even discarded french fries at fast food restaurants so that you can still drive without contributing to climate change
Electric Vehicles (EV)Zero emissions, cost-effective charging, reduced dependence on fossil fuels
Hybrid VehiclesImproved fuel efficiency, lower emissions compared to conventional vehicles
Public TransportationReduced traffic congestion, lower carbon footprint, cost savings on fuel
CyclingSustainable and healthy mode of transportation, reduces carbon emissions
CarpoolingSharing rides with others to reduce the number of vehicles on the road
WalkingEnvironmentally friendly, promotes physical health and well-being
TelecommutingWorking remotely to avoid commuting, reduces fuel consumption and emissions
Ride-Sharing ServicesConvenient and shared transportation options like Uber and Lyft
Car Sharing ProgramsAccess to vehicles when needed without the need for individual ownership
E-bikesElectric bicycles as an eco-friendly alternative for short-distance travel

Move To A Big City And Walk/Bike To Work And/Or School, Etc.

A great way to reduce your carbon footprint is to move to a big city. This is because cities are more efficient than suburbs in terms of electricity use, which means less greenhouse gas emissions.

Your choices regarding how you get around can also help reduce carbon emissions from vehicles. 

For example, walking or biking instead of driving your car or taking public transportation will have a significant impact on the environment if done regularly. In addition to this, walking and biking are good for your health!

To maintain an optimal temperature and provide a conducive environment for greenhouse gas absorption, our guide on adding heat to a greenhouse offers practical solutions and recommendations to ensure the consistent warmth required for efficient plant growth and gas absorption processes.

Take Fewer Airplane Flights

Take a car or bus instead of flying. If you must fly, try to carpool with friends or colleagues. You’ll be able to save money and reduce emissions by sharing the cost of gas and parking fees.

Try to fly at off-peak times when airlines are less busy, like on Monday mornings and Friday evenings (and maybe even during the afternoon!).

Fly with an airline that uses biofuels instead of petroleum-derived jet fuel. Some airlines use alternative fuels such as biofuels derived from plant materials such as algae or agricultural waste products; 

These fuels reduce greenhouse gases compared to conventional jet fuel because they contain fewer carbon atoms than other types of fossil fuels (such as coal).

Opt for smaller planes when possible! Smaller planes burn less fuel per passenger than larger ones do and because it takes more energy for larger jets to get off the ground in comparison with smaller ones, this makes them somewhat greener too.”


Being green isn’t just about saving the planet. It’s also about saving money and being healthy! If you can make even one or two of these changes in your life, you will not only be doing good for the world but helping yourself at the same time.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on the topic of greenhouse gases and climate solutions:

6 Ways to Remove Carbon Pollution from the Sky: This article by World Resources Institute discusses six different strategies and technologies aimed at removing carbon pollution from the atmosphere.

Reducing Greenhouse Gases: Climate Solutions: This informative resource from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) provides insights into various methods and practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.

Climate Change Action at Home: The National Park Service’s webpage on climate change action at home offers practical tips and suggestions for individuals to take action and make a positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their everyday lives.


Here are some frequently asked questions related to greenhouse gases and climate change:

How do greenhouse gases contribute to climate change?

Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. When their concentrations increase due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, they enhance the greenhouse effect, leading to a rise in global temperatures and changes in climate patterns.

What are the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions?

The main sources of greenhouse gas emissions include burning fossil fuels for energy production, transportation, and industry, as well as deforestation, agriculture, and waste management practices.

What are some effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

Effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions include transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, promoting sustainable transportation options, adopting sustainable agricultural practices, and implementing waste reduction and recycling initiatives.

How can individuals contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions?

Individuals can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by conserving energy, using energy-efficient appliances, opting for public transportation or carpooling, practicing sustainable consumption, reducing food waste, and supporting renewable energy initiatives.

What is the role of international agreements in addressing greenhouse gas emissions?

International agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, aim to unite countries in their efforts to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These agreements establish targets, promote cooperation, and encourage countries to implement measures to mitigate climate change’s impacts and transition to low-carbon economies.