How To Arrange Iridium Sprinklers In Greenhouse?

You should have a good sprinkler system in your greenhouse. A good irrigation system will ensure that your plants get enough water and are healthy enough to produce fruits and vegetables. 

Irrigation is important for many reasons, such as controlling temperature, humidity, air circulation, drainage of excess moisture from growing media, preventing frost damage in cold climates, etc.

The Golden Rule Of Greenhouses

The golden rule of greenhouses is that the temperature inside the greenhouse should be the same as the outside temperature. 

This can be achieved by opening or closing vents in your greenhouse, depending on whether you want to warm up or cool down inside.

If you’re trying to keep your plants warm, opening vents will allow more heat from inside your greenhouse to escape into the surrounding air. 

If you’re trying to keep them cool, closing vents will help trap warmer air inside and reduce heating costs during winter months.

Plan Your Sprinkler System

After you’ve decided to install a sprinkler system, it’s time to plan out your irrigation design. In order to do this, you’ll need to consider the following:

Your plants. How many plants will be in the greenhouse? What type of plants are they? Are there any special considerations regarding their watering needs (i.e., succulents require more water than most other kinds of plants)?

The climate. What’s the weather like where you live? Will your greenhouse be heated or cooled in wintertime? How often do rainstorms occur during the growing season? You may want to consider installing an underground drainage system as well if precipitation is common in your area.

The size of your greenhouse and its budget. A large greenhouse with many different types of plants will require more watering than a smaller one with fewer varieties; similarly, if funds are limited then some things may have to be sacrificed—a smaller sprinkler system might mean less efficient use of water but could save money overall since it requires less maintenance over time than larger ones do (which means less labor costs).

Irrigation Schedules

To set the irrigation schedule, move the cursor to [Schedules] on the toolbar in Irrigation Management and choose [Edit]. Then, select a user who will be responsible for setting up this schedule. You can then begin creating a new schedule by clicking on [New].

To create an irrigation schedule:

Set a name for your irrigation cycle. It will be used as a reference when assigning zones or users to it later on.

Set what days you want your sprinklers to run as well as their duration in hours (or days if it’s an event). For example, if you only want them going Monday through Friday between 8 AM and 6 PM at 1 hour intervals with each zone running 15 minutes, type out “Monday-Friday:8:00am-6pm;1hr;15minutes” into the text field next to “Days of Operation.”

To set up specific dates and times within those days where your irrigation cycles should run automatically without intervention from yourself or another user assigned access rights to this cycle’s scheduling information, click on “When.” 

This brings up another pop-up window where you can specify which days from above need automatic watering activated during certain times throughout each day (based off what was already entered above). 

Since we already specified “Monday-Friday” earlier on this page before moving onto additional detail about how often each zone should run during said time frames – we’ll just leave that part blank because our current plan doesn’t include any automatic start/stop conditions yet!

Cut Down On Transpiration

Transpiration is the process by which plants lose water through their leaves. Transpiration is a key part of the cycle of water in nature. It helps break down carbon dioxide into its component parts, releasing oxygen and pulling water from the ground up into leaves so that photosynthesis can take place. 

The loss of water through transpiration has some serious implications for greenhouse growers, however: namely, that if there’s not enough humidity in an enclosed environment like a greenhouse then plants will dry out quickly and die (or at least suffer injury). 

To avoid this situation you’ll need to increase humidity levels in your greenhouse by adding supplemental irrigation systems or misting nozzles throughout your space. 

If you’re looking for some more detailed information about how to do this then check out our article “How To Increase Humidity In An Irrigation System” here!

Avoid Clashes With Lights And Fans

When setting up your irrigation system, you need to take into consideration that lights and fans may be on the same circuits. If so, ensure that sprinklers are not on the same circuit as these devices.

Irrigate Towards The Base Of The Plants

As a rule of thumb, you should always try to irrigate towards the base of the plants. This will ensure that water reaches the roots instead of going straight through and pooling up on top.

Irrigation systems are designed to spray water at an angle between 30-45 degrees. The soil should be wetted for about three minutes before turning off your irrigation system so that it has time for absorption into the ground or root system. 

This is important because too much water can damage your crops by creating runoff which may contain excess nutrients and salts from fertilizer application or other sources such as rainfall runoff from roads or driveways nearby (not all irrigation is good for our land!).

Designate Sprinkler Areas

After you have decided how many sprinklers you need, designate the areas where you will place them. 

Make sure there is enough space for the sprinkler heads to rotate properly. Also make sure that there are no other equipment that could damage or break your sprinkler heads in these areas. 

It is important that you do not place your sprinklers in places where people will kick them or run into them with their feet, as this could cause damage to your irrigation system and possibly even personal injury.

Make Sure You Have Enough Sprinklers For The Area

Before you begin the installation, it’s important to make sure that you have enough sprinklers for the area. Make a list of all the areas you want to irrigate and how many sprinklers are needed for each one.

If you don’t have enough sprinklers, there are ways around this problem: if some areas are smaller than others, use timers instead of additional irrigation heads.

Use High-Quality Hose, Fittings And Accessories

You don’t want to use cheap hose and fittings. The wrong size fitting can cause the sprinkler to fail, so it’s important to use the right sized hardware for your application. It’s also important that your irrigation hose is made from high-quality materials, such as PVC or polypropylene (PP). 

These materials will not corrode or degrade over time like rubber hoses do, which means they aren’t prone to leaking and can withstand UV exposure better than other types of material used in irrigation systems.

The warranty on irrigation products should be a top consideration when buying them because some warranties are better than others. 

If a product has a poor warranty then you might be stuck paying expensive repair bills down the road if something goes wrong with it after installation and usage starts causing problems due to normal wear-and-tear issues that occur over time with all things mechanical or electrical equipment; this could happen sooner rather than later depending on how often you plan on using them or how long it takes before something goes wrong with them once installed correctly first time round!

When choosing an irrigation system make sure that both ends are compatible with each other (male/female connectors), otherwise there may be leakage problems when installed correctly at first try round.”

Ensure Adequate Pressure And Flow Rates At All Times

  • Ensure Adequate Pressure And Flow Rates At All Times
  • You need to ensure that the sprinklers in your greenhouse have adequate pressure and flow rates at all times. For this, you can use a pressure gauge to check the pressure of the system and a water meter to measure the flow rate.


With a little effort and planning, you can create a healthy and productive hydroponic system that will help your plants thrive. 

This guide has given you all the information you need to get started on your own greenhouse irrigation system using iridium sprinklers.